Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy,
Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH)
Indian Red Cross Society Building,
1-Red Cross Road, New Delhi-110 001
Dated the 29thJuly,2011.
The Principal/Dean/Directors,All Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani Medical Colleges
(As per list enclosed).
1.Sub. : Renewal of permission for the existing UG and PG courses during
2011-12 in the ASU colleges.
2. As you aware that the Central Council of Indian Medicine, New Delhi, had
in the light of the law laid down by the Supreme Court in Medical Council of India
vs.Madhu Singh Others as reported in AIR 2002 SC 323,(2002) 7 SCC 258 issued
policy instructions in October,2003 to specify 31stOctober of every academic year
as the cut off date for admission to undergraduate courses in Ayurveda, Siddha and
Unani systems of medicine.
3. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare(Department of AYUSH) had, in
view of the aforesaid policy adopted, been making sincere efforts to stream line the
process and adhere to the above mentioned date line, as far as may be. However, in
view of exceptional circumstances, the date line of 31stOctober had to be extended
to 30thNovember in the academic years 2009-10 and 2010-11.
3. It is in the background of the experience of the academic years 2009-10 and
2010-11 and the endeavour to stream line the process so as to convey the decision
of the Central Government for the academic year 2011-12 at the earliest , the
Department envisaged and attempted the completion of the inspection as statutorily
required to be carried out by the regulator namely, the Central Council of Indian
Medicine, by the middle of April,2011 and make the recommendations available to
the Central Government by the middle of May,2011 so as to enable communication
of the decision in respect of the academic year by the end of July,2011. However, it
is informed that the visitations to ASU medical colleges have been started by the
Central Council of Indian Medicine on 28thMarch and have continued during the
month of Apri,2011 and thereafter, the field reports and the recommendations of the
Central Council of Indian Medicine have got a bit delayed.
4. As you are further aware that the recommendations of the Central Council of
Indian Medicine, as and when received, require examination through the due -2-
process prescribed in the Indian Medicine Central Council Act,1970 and an
opportunity of personal hearing is required to be given to a college with respect to
deficiencies observed before a decision of the Central Government can be taken.
5. Therefore, while it expected that the decision in respect of the bulk of the
colleges will be communicated soon, however, the Department anticipates that the
decision in respect of the existing courses in all the ASU medical colleges for 2011-
12 will, save in cases of exceptional circumstances, be taken and communicated on
or before the cut off date of 31stOctober,2011.