please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Kerala Collegiate Education requires Lecturer (in the following subjects)/Oct.,2011

Gazette Date: 28.09.2011
 Last Date: 02.11.2011
  Category Nos.: 308/2011 to 311/2011 
1)  Department : Kerala Collegiate Education
2) Name of post : Lecturer (in the following subjects)
3)  No. of Vacancies  :
Category No SL.No Subject No. of vacancies 
308/2011 1 Physics Blind-1
309/2011 2 Mathematics Blind-1
310/2011 3 Commerce Ortho-1
311/2011 4 English Ortho-1 
The above vacancies are now in existence.  Separate Ranked lists will be published for each subject mentioned in this notification. The Ranked lists published as per this notification will be valid until blind and orthopaedically handicapped candidates are advised and appointed against the vacancies earmarked  for them but remains unfilled due to paucity of candidates during the currency of the Ranked lists published for the posts.

(Please see the date of publication of ranked lists mentioned below)
Sl.No Name of Post Date of finalisation of Rank List

1 Lecturer in Physics  09/11/10
2 Lecturer in Mathematics 07/05/10
3 Lecturer in Commerce 30/09/10 
4 Lecturer in English 09/11/09
 4     Scale of Pay                     :    UGC
5 Method of appointment : Direct Recruitment ((Recruitment from Blind and
Orthopaedically handicapped candidates only)
Note:-  Applications submitted by candidates other than Blind and Orthopaedically  handicapped candidates will be
summarily rejected. Individual rejection memo will not be sent to them.  
6 Age   : 22-40.  Only candidates born between 02-01-1971 and 01-01-1989
(both  dates included) with usual relaxation to SC/ST/OBC
candidates. (For conditions regarding other age relaxation please see
para (2) of the general conditions).
7. Qualifications:-
    (1) Masters Degree in the subject concerned with at least 55% marks or  its equivalent and good academic record.
    (2) Must have passed a Comprehensive Test in the subject concerned specifically conducted for the purpose byUGC or any agency duly constituted by the State Government in this behalf. When qualifications are being equal,preference shall be given to candidates who possess adequate knowledge in Malayalam.
Note (i) For SC/ST candidates, 50% marks for Masters Degree shall be sufficient [GO(Ms)No:2/07/H.Edn dated4.1.2007]
 (ii) For Ph.D holders who have passed Master's Degree prior to 19.9.1991, 50% marks for Master's degree shall besufficient [GO(Ms) No.2/07/H.Edn dated 4.1.2007] (iii) Candidates who have obtained Ph.D Degree in the subject concerned or have passed M.Phil degree in the
subject concerned by 31.12.1993 are exempted from passing the NET examination. (G.O(P)No.123/02/H.Edn dated
17.09.2002, (G.O(Ms)No.86/07/H.Edn dated 19.06.2007)
(iv) For recruitment to various posts under these rules, Degree awarded by the Universities recognised by UGC aloneshall be considered.
8. Method of submitting application:
Applications with  photo uploaded shall be submitted online only.  Detailed instructions regarding the
submission of applications are available in the website of Kerala Public Service Commission viz.  www.keralapscorg.   No application fee is required. The bar  code number in the application form (from the website) shall be quotedin all further enquiries/correspondence.  Documents to prove qualification, age, community have to be produced as and when called for.  Application submitted not in accordance with the instructions given in the website will besummarily rejected.  
 9. Last date for receipt of applications:  .02.11. 2011 Wednesday upto 12.00 Midnight.
10.   Address to which applications are to be sent          :
            (Please also see the general conditions given  in Part II of the Gazette Notification)
11. If a written test/OMR Test is conducted as a part of the selection, Hall Ticket of eligible  candidates will bemade available in the website of Kerala Public Service Commission.  Candidates  are instructed to download theirHall Tickets as per the instructions given in the  website.
12.At the time of Examination, Physical Efficiency Test, Practical Test, Interview etc, candidates shall produce their
photo affixed ID proof in Original and self attested photocopy of (Voters Identity Card, Driving Licence,
Passport, Identity Cards issued by Social Welfare Department to Physically Handicapped Candidates, Photo
affixed Pass Books  issued by Nationalized Banks, PAN Card, Identity Cards issued to Government
Employees by the concerned Departments)  along with Hall Tickets.


Institute desires to enrol research fellows for research leading to Ph.D. degree./Oct.,2011


(See also Advertisements)
The Institute desires to enrol research fellows for research leading to Ph.D. degree.

ARI is a recognised post-graduate research centre affiliated to the University of Pune and Mahatma Phule Agricultural University. It has a distinguished faculty recognised for guiding doctoral research in subjects such as Botany, Biometry & Nutrition, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Cytogenetics & Plant Breeding, Environmental Science, Geology, Microbiology and Zoology. Young talented students selected through all India tests, viz. UGC-CSIR/GATE are encouraged to carry out doctoral research in the Institute.
The Institute also offers JRF & SRF to such students every year. Adequate hostel accommodation with well-furnished rooms is available for post-graduate students.
Apart from the funding received from DST, the Institute scientists strive to obtain external funding from a number of Government agencies like Department of Biotechnology, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Indian Council of Medical Research, Department of Non-conventional Energy Sources, Department of Environment etc. Likewise, projects sponsored by industries/ private organisations as well as international agencies form a substantial part of financial support generated by the Institute. The opportunities are available from time to time to work under such sponsored schemes/ projects in the Institute. 
Apply (separately for each post stating name of the Project with required documents) to the Director, A.R.I., G.G. Agarkar Road, Pune- 411004, with full bio-data, attested copies of certificates and experience and passport size photograph within 15 days from the date of publication of advertisement in newspaper.

Application Form (PDF format) (DOC format) 


Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Institute for Entrepreneurship and Career Development/Courses Offered/Oct.,2011

The Bharathidasan University has established the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Career Development (IECD) with a view to fill the serious gap in our educational system, viz. lack of opportunities for promoting entrepreneurship among the students. Most of our conventional programmes at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the University system turn out graduates and postgraduates who are neither inclined nor equipped to establish and run enterprises of their own involving managerial and organisational skills. They are seldom given hands-on-experience and skills and they are not confident of becoming entrepreneurs. Another weakness in the existing programmes is the structural rigidity under which the teachers and the taught are not in a position to attain the relevant skills and field exposure, even if they want to. The learners are constrained by the curricular rigidities which lead them to a structured degree or PG programme. As a result, the tertiary education produces the employment seekers in the form of graduates rather than employment generators in the form of entrepreneurs.

It is against the above back-drop, that the University has conceptualised and started a massive institutional structure known as Institute for Entrepreneurship and Career Development which will be a flexible skill-based training Centre in order to enrich the current as well as dropped out and passed-out students with vocational skills leading to self-employment, and also eventually enabling them to emerge as successful entrepreneurs in the respective field.

 Courses Offered
Bullet Basic Computer Skills
Bullet Communication Skills
Bullet Soft Skills
Bullet Telephone Handling
Bullet Marketing
Bullet Multimedia
Bullet Spoken English
Bullet Group Discussion
Bullet Personal Talk


Bharathidasan University.Palkalaiperur, Tiruchirappall/Forthcoming Events/ Oct.,2011

Bharathidasan University.Palkalaiperur, Tiruchirappall, Tamil Nadu, India.

October 13 – 14, 2011 | National Level Seminar – Recent Advances in Biomedical Research on Infectious and Non-Infectious Diseases (RABRINID-2011)

October 18 – 20, 2011 | Hands on Training Workshop on Molecular Techniques for Identification of Biocontrol Agents

October 28 to 31 - 2011 | National Level Training Workshop – Monitoring &d Evaluation of Recalcitrant Chemicals in the Environment (MERE '11)

November 02 – 03, 2011 | National Level Workshop on Drug Discovery and Development

November 19 – 20, 2011 | National Workshop on Writing and Publishing Research Article in Commerce and Management

December 03 – 04, 2011 | OCEAN EXPO 2011 – An Exposition on Marine Science – Dept. of Marine Science

December 12 – 14, 2011 | International Conference on Medical Genetics and Genomics (ICMG 2011)

Jan. 07 & 08 - 2012 | International Seminar on Financial Markets: Issues & Challenges (FMIC 2012)

INCF Indian Node Workshop (Nov 1) by NBRC/Oct.,2011

INCF Indian Node Workshop (Nov 1) 
followed by INCF Introductory workshop on 
Neuroinformatics (Nov 2-3) in New Delhi
ALL selected candidates are already informed by email on 
There will be a half-day meeting of the India node of the INCF on Nov 1. This will be followed 
by a two-day INCF Introductory Workshop on Neuroinformatics, on November 2-3.
The topics of the Introductory Workshop on Neuroinformatics include lectures on:
(i) Neuroinformatics and Systems Biology relating to Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
(ii) Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience (e.g. electrophysiology/neurophysiology)
(iii) Neuromaging and Clinical Neuroscience (including computational neuroscience).
These will be followed by a day of lectures, tutorials and demonstrations on Neuroinformatics 
and Modelling.
The detailed schedule is below.
Travel support is available for selected participants among PhD students, post-docs, and younger 
faculty from India and international institutions. Please contact the organizers before 30 
September 2011 should you be interested in travel support. The travel support covers local 
hospitality (lodging and food), and air and rail ticket costs may be covered in full or in part 
depending on funding. Participants are encouraged to utilize their own grant support for ticket 
costs. International participants are strongly urged to contact the organizers quickly to expedite 
visa processing.
Dr. Mandal 
Adjunct Associate professor,
Radiology, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Baltimore, USA
Senior Editor (Journal of Alzheimer Disease, USA)
Additional Professor (Scientist V)
Neurospectroscopy and Neuroimaging LaboratoryNational Brain Research Centre, India
Tel: +91 124 2845 336
Email : ;
Indian National Node for Neuroinformatics (INNNI): Node members meeting
12:00-01:00PM Arrival and Registration
01:00-02:00PM Lunch
02:00-02:30PM Opening session and overviews.
Overview of INNNI, INCF and node workshop: Upinder S 
Bhalla, NCBS
02:05-02:10PM INCF Training workshop plans: Pravat Mandal, NBRC
02:10-02:15PM Funding initiatives: Garima Gupta, DBT
02:15-02:20PM Brain as a Tissue project: Prasun Roy, NBRC
02:20-02:25PM Multiscale Modelling project: Upi Bhalla
02:25-02:30PM Questions.
Node members introduce themselves and report efforts in 
neuroinformatics.(5 min each)
03:30-04:00PM Coffee break
04:00-05:00PM More introductions.
05:00-05:05PM Overview of major initiatives of the INCF
Discussion of initiatives that INNNI members would like to 
06:00-07:00PM Tea, Posters and Software demos, followed by dinner
INCF Introductory workshop on Neuroinformatics
November 2
Systems Neuroscience
Chair: to be announced
Time Talk Title Speaker09:00-
Disparity Selectivity in 
Primary Visual Cortex
Prof. Basabi Bhaumik, Department 
of Electrical engineering, IIT Delhi
Towards an integrated 
model of basal ganglia
Prof. Srinivasa Chakravarthy, 
Department of Biotechnology, IIT 
Coffee break
Time Talk Title Speaker
The Digital Brain Tissue as 
the Emerging Landscape of 
the Brain: From Valleys to 
Prof. Prasun Kumar Roy, National 
Brain Research center
Brain imaging and grouping
Dr. David Shattuck, Department of 
Radiology, University of California, 
Las Angeles
Biomarker using in vivo 
brain imaging and 
spectroscopic technique and 
its relevance.
Dr. Pravat Kumar Mandal, National 
Brain Research Center & 
Department of Radiology, Johns 
Hopkins Medicine
Lunch break
System biology
Time Talk Title Speaker
to be updated
James Gomes, PhD, Professor, 
School of Biological Sciences, 
Indian Institute of Technology, 
Signaling and immune 
Dr Soumen Basak, Systems 
Immunology Laboratory, National 
institute of Immunology, New 
Coffee break
Group discussion
Lab visit
Cultural program and dinner
November 3 Modelling workshop (organized by U.S. Bhalla, NCBS).
09:00-10:00AM Modelling basics (Lecture from INCF Training modules)
10:00-11:00AM Installing MOOSE and running demos; model sources.
11:00-11:30AM Tea/Coffee
11:30-12:00noon Modeling workflow
12:00-01:00PM Example neuronal model
01:00-02:00PM Lunch
02:00-04:00PM Computation with neurons Tutorial
04:00-04:30PM Coffee/Tea
04:30-06:00PM Computation with Biochemical pathways tutorial
06:00-06:30PM Where to go from here: Summary and discussion.
06:30-07:00PM Research Project registration.


G. B. Pant University Of Agriculture & Technology,Pantnagar/Forthcoming Training Programmes/Oct.,2011

G. B. Pant University Of Agriculture & Technology

Pantnagar - 263145
Dist. Udham Singh Nagar,
Uttarakhand (India)
Phone: +91-5944-233320, 233350 ; Fax: +91-5944-233473 

Sunday, 9 October 2011


(Kindly refresh and re-visit for the latest information.)
    File formatUploading /
    ΟResult of Detained student of Xth Semester May, 2010 PDF05-10-11
    ΟResult of BHMCT
    Enroll No: 09911002209
    ΟRevised Mercy Result
    Enroll No. 0031691603
    ΟResult of Master of Archaeology and Heritage Management PDF30-09-11
    ΟResult of Master of Conservation, Preservation and Heritage Management PDF30-09-11
    ΟResult of BASLP, Batch 20082nd AnnualPDF30-09-11
    ΟResult of BASLP, Batch 20092nd AnnualPDF30-09-11
    ΟResult of BPO, (Enroll No.00320019009)
please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें