please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

Friday, 25 November 2011

International seminar on “Indian Transnationalism Online: Ethnographic Explorations” University of Hyderabad, on 26-27 March 2012

International seminar on  
“Indian Transnationalism Online: Ethnographic Explorations” 
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, A.P., India 
26-27 March 2012 
The Centre for the Study of Indian Diaspora, University of Hyderabad & the 
Department of Cultural Anthropology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands are 
organizing an International Seminar on ‘Indian Transnationalism Online’ from 26
 March 2012.  
The objective of this inter- and multidisciplinary seminar is to debate and structure 
explorations of (a) the online organization of the massive Indian diaspora, and (b) 
online interaction/exchanges between Indians abroad and their motherland.  The 
meeting is scheduled to bring together pioneers in this emerging field of study and 
establish a network of researchers that, by exploiting the potential the Indian case, 
will claim a prominent role in the further advance of both theoretical and 
methodological debates concerning the World Wide Web and its impact on processes 
of culture and identity.   
In order to increase our understanding of the socio-cultural function of the WWW in 
contexts of migration and deterritorialization, some crucial themes will be addressed 
in panel discussions. These themes include the configuration of power, practices of 
narration and imagination, processes of disembedding, and the (re)formation of 
Considering this thematic orientation, twenty-minute papers and presentations in 
English are invited on (but not limited to) the following subjects: 
1. The ‘I’ in digital (online identity and globalized  subjectivities)  
2. The strength of wireless ties (debating the instrumental internet) 
3. World Wide India (representing and (re)negotiating the nation-state)  
Workshops will be offered on the second day of the seminar. These workshops are 
organized to facilitate the exchange of practical experiences as well as a first 
translation of thematic inspiration from the panel discussions into a research agenda. 
The focus of these sessions is the particular methodological challenges of web-based 
research. Key issues concerning online ethnography that should be contemplated 
involve online research sites and strategies, online research relationships and online 
Proposals:  Abstract of 250-300 words for a 20 minute paper should be sent to 
( and by  11 January 2012. Abstracts 
should be accompanied by a brief (100 word) CV of the presenter.  
Conference venue:  Centre for the Study of Indian Diaspora, School of Social 
Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad-500046, Andhra Pradesh, India. Proceedings: Contributors are invited to submit a written version of their paper for 
review and inclusion in an edited volume which will be published by an international 
publisher. For guidance on length/format/style, please contact:
Accommodation: The seminar will be held at the University of Hyderabad campus 
which is easily accessed by air, rail and road. Accommodation and hospitality will be 
arranged for all participants at the University campus without any cost. Please note 
that we can not offer international travel support to participants,  however, we will 
support internal travel (within India) to few participants.  
About Hyderabad City: Founded by Quli Qutub Shah in 1591, this large metropolis 
is unique in its rich architectural glory and blend of diverse linguistic, religious and 
ethnic groups and an ideal place indeed to locate a Central University. The weather 
for most part of the year is pleasant except for the months of April and May when the 
temperature is likely to go up to 40°C. Hyderabad is home to nine major Universities 
and several research institutions, laboratories and libraries. 
Enquiries and questions about your submission & presentation should be 
emailed to the Seminar Coordinators: 
Dr. Ajaya K. Sahoo, University of Hyderabad:  
Dr. Hans de Kruijf, Utrecht University:  

for details click;

University of Hyderabad./ SPOTLIGHTS / Nov.,2011

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Shivaji University, Kolhapur / Latest News / Nov.,2011

> Photo Gallery : Memories of Golden Days...

> 2nd Indian Student Parliament – Inspiring youth for strengthening Democracy

> A State Level Workshop on “Socio-Economic Condition of Devdasi- Jogate and Waghya-Murali” organised on 25th November, 2011

> Ph.D.(Eduation) Scrutiny Schedule

> Ph.D.(English) Scrutiny Schedule

> Notice regarding Ph.D./ M.Phil (Zoology) Scrutinee

> Avishkar 2011 : Inter University Research Competition

> The President of India Medal for General Proficiency Award 2010-2011 Nominations

> N.C.C. Prize 2010-2011

> Perspective Plan 2011-12 to 2016-2017

> Ph.D.(Botany) Synopses Scrutiny 2011-12

> Proposed Events & Activities to be organized during Golden Jubilee Year from 18th Nov., 2011 to 17th Nov., 2012

> “Shodhganga – ETD Portal” MoU signing with INFLIBNET Center, Ahmedabad

> Letter of Appreciation from H.E.Hon'ble Chancellor's Office regarding declaration of examination results 2011

> “Access To Higer Education Through Free Bicycle Scheme” By Shivaji University: A Step Towards Social Commitment

> Inauguration of revised version of university website 

> Dr. Chavan is successful to establish the International Linkages with Australian Scientific community 

> Draft / Final Programs of Examination to be Held in Oct. / Nov. / Dec. 2011

> Ist International Conference On Physics Of Materials And Materials Based Device Fabrication (ICPM-MDF-2012) :January 17-19, 2012

> Shivaji University Merit Scholarship Application Forms

> Major Achivement of Shivaji University

> E-Journals under UGC INFONET Project 

University of Burdwan/POST-GRADUATE(ARTS) EXAMINATION RESULT / Nov.,2011

CALL FOR PAPERS / National Conference on Intertextual Adaptations and Literary Discourses 27 & 28 December 2011 Organized by Department of English, The University of Burdwan West Bengal, India

National Conference 
         Intertextual Adaptations and Literary Discourses 
27 & 28 December 2011 
Organized by 
Department of English, The University of Burdwan 
West Bengal, India 
Venue: DDE Building 
Intertextuality, a term coined by Julia Kristeva, builds on the thesis that a text cannot 
exist as a hermetic or self-defined cultural object. It develops as a system of referentiality, 
a heterogenous and polysemic network of references, citations, quotations and influences. 
It is a cross-fertilisation of diverse epistemological processes. Cicero’s mouthpiece 
Crassus in  De Oratore  points out that a cultural text moves beyond the normative 
boundaries of knowledge systems which become meaningful through what Derrida later 
terms as “iterability”. 
Texts of intertextuality may re-inscribe the embedded meanings that move from the  
heuristic and linear to the retroactive and hermeneutic. Critics therefore argue for 
considering intertextuality as a form of ontology.  Intertextuality requires an 
understanding of “texts” which, as John Frow believes, are not “self-contained structures, 
but differential and historical” and not shaped by “immanent time but by the play of 
divergent temporalities”. Texts are therefore “tracings of otherness” and largely shaped 
by “the repetition and transformation of other textual structures”. These figurations of 
structural “interweaving” leads to adventures and experiments in the domain of multilayered generic possibilities and discursive formations. This is what Kristeva probably 
describes as “transformational method”.  
The foundational poetics was distinctively inaugurated and developed in the late 1960s 
and 1970s by Kristeva, Raffaterre, Gennette and Bloom, setting in motion a complex 
array of nuanced taxonomies. But in the second wave of responses to this critical theory, 
critics like Marc Angenot, Peter Nesselroth, Susanne Holthuis or Donald Bruce  begin to 
reformulate it as a form of “interdiscursivity”.  
This national conference will address the following issues: 
• Trajectories of intertextuality 
• Intertextuality and Interdisciplinarity 
• Intertextuality and Cultural scholarship 
• Intertextuality from Kristeva to Holthuis 
Hypertext/Hypotext Submission of Paper Proposals: Paper proposals should include a title and a 200-word 
abstract, together with a short biography. Proposals should be received by 20 December 
Registration Fees: Rs 600 (with accommodation), Rs 400 (without accommodation)  
Proposals should be e-mailed to:  
Professor Deb Narayan Bandyopadhyay, Head, Department of English, The University of 


Dibrugarh University, Assam/Notifications/NOV.,.,2011

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

ILO Decent Work Team for South Asia and ILO Country Office for India (DWT/CO-New Delhi)

ILO Decent Work Team for South Asia and ILO Country Office for India (DWT/CO-New Delhi)

South Asia is the most populous geographical region in the world, with almost one-fifth of the world’s total population, and large segments of workers in the informal economy. The twin challenges of translating economic gains into productive employment and progress on social indicators continue in most countries in spite of good economic growth in most countries.
The Decent Work Technical Support Team for South Asia and Country Office for India (DWT/CO-New Delhi) is based in New Delhi. The Decent Work Technical Support Team for South Asia, mainly provides technical support to ILO constituents in countries in South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka including Bhutan which is a non-member country) to promote Decent Work Agenda through implementation of Decent Work Country Programme. The Country Office for India is responsible for ILO activities in India.

What's new

    1. Training of Enterprises workshop on SCoRE Module 1 for 2nd batch of 4 enterprises in Faridabad
      28 - 29 November 2011, Faridabad, Haryana, India
      2-day class-room orientation provided by ILO and ILO SCoRE trainers to 4 enterprises from Faridabad participating in SCoRE programme on SCoRE Module 1 - Workplace cooperation.
    2. Training on building modern and effective Labour Administration and Inspection Systems in Maharashtra
      14 - 18 November 2011, Lonawala, Maharashtra, India
      ILO in coordination with the Department of Labour, Maharashtra is organizing a training programme for the labour inspectors under the project on strengtehning inspection systems funded by the government of Norway.
    3. National Technical Workshop on the Vocational Training  Action Programme
      14 - 16 November 2011 - New Delhi, India
      Technical Workshop to Operationalize Vocational Training Action Program and Linking of Child Labour Families to Govt. Schemes under the project "Converging Against Child Labour: Support for India’s Model" for the District Implementing Agencies and for Vocational Training Providers from 10 project districts (in 5 states of India)
    4. Workshop on strengthening Trade Unions' in ensuring Decent Work for domestic workers
      14 - 15 November 2011, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
      The objective of the workshop is to, 1. Have a clear understanding and ability to promote the ratification and implementation of Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers in India;
    5. Refresher training on building modern and effective Inspection System
      7 - 9 November 2011 - Patna, Bihar, India
      ILO in colloboration with the Government of Bihar is organizing a refresher training course for the labour inspectors under the project on stengthening labour inspection system funded by the Government of Norway.
    6. Working meeting to review draft outcomes of study on National Council for Vocational Training
      1 November 2011, New Delhi, India
      To receive inputs from stakeholders on suggestions to restructure the National Council for Vocational Training, Government of India

    please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें