please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Wildlife Institute of India (WII) / Short Term Courses/ DEC.,2011

Wildlife Institute of India

Post Box #18, Chandrabani
Dehradun - 248001

Short Term Courses

Short courses and workshops of one to three weeks duration and workshops are conducted on specific themes and techniques in various subject areas. These allow participants from a wide range of target groups such as from zoos and veterinary institutions, central services, law enforcement agencies and the armed forces, non-governmental organizations and others, which are otherwise not covered by the institute’s regular courses. Some such courses and workshops conducted regularly are:-
Capsule Courses in Wildlife Management
There are two courses of one week and two weeks duration. These are compulsory for officers of the Indian Forest Service of the rank of Chief Conservator of Forests, Conservator of Forests, Deputy Conservator of Forests and Assistant Conservator of Forests . The courses present an overview of conservation issues and discuss strategies to overcome these, keeping in mind the concerns of the communities living in the vicinity.
Interpretation and Conservation Education
This 10-day course is open to participants from  protected areas, zoos, armed forces, NGOs, wildlife tour agencies and nature camp organizers, and formal and non-formal educators. It enables participants to learn various approaches and methods of presenting ideas and information for public consumption, and equips them with necessary technical skills for effective communication.
Endangered Species and Zoo Management

There are two courses – one for zoo directors/managers, institutional heads, senior veterinarians and curators, and the other for middle level zoo supervisory officers and technicians. The courses address the essential components of modern zoo management and introduce participants to the techniques and measures to improve the standards.
Environment and Nature Conservation

This course provides an insight into the environmental issues and problems and seeks to identify direct and indirect involvement of the various environmental groups in conservation. The participants are also acquainted with the techniques of collecting, analyzing and disseminating information on ecological aspects.
Control of Illegal Wildlife Trade in India

The participants of this course include officers from Customs, Police, Revenue Intelligence, CBI, Wildlife and Forests departments, the legal profession, Coast Guards, Border Security Forces, other Para-military forces, and NGOs. The course discusses the law and issues related to wildlife trade and poaching, anti-poaching measures in India and the contribution of different agencies in controlling illegal trade in wildlife. There are practical demonstrations in identification of wildlife parts and products by morph metrics and lectures are also given on techniques and methods in wildlife forensics. Often, short courses and workshops are also conducted on specific subjects/techniques, e.g. wildlife population estimation, habitat evaluation, wildlife health, chemical restraint of wild animals, tourism and related aspects, remote sensing and geographical information system, environmental impact assessment.
S. No.
Target Group
No. of courses Organised till April 2000
No. of participants
till April 2000
1.One-week course in Wildlife Management for IFS officersVertically integrated course for IFS officersTo provide orientation in wildlife conservation imperatives
2.Two-week course in Wildlife Management for IFS officers-do--do-
3.Three-week course in Wildlife Management for IFS officersFor PA ManagersTo provide orientation in wildlife conservation and management to officers posted in PAs but who do not have formal training in PA management.
4.Two-week course in Interpretation and Conservation Education for forest officersFor PA and Zoo Managers, NGOs., Defense Personnel and others.To impart skills and techniques of conservation education, wildlife interpretation and communication.
5.One-week course for AIS and Central Service officersFor senior AIS and Group 'A' Service officersTo provide orientation in wildlife conservation and land-use aspects of environmental security.
6.One-week workshop in Environment and Nature ConservationFor Army OfficersOrientation to nature conservation and role of Army.
7.Capsule course in Zoo ManagementFor senior and middle level zoo professionalsTo formulate improved management strategy for captive wildlife


Wildlife Institute of India (WII) / Training Programme on Wildlife Conservation from 13-24 February, 2012

Training Programme on Wildlife Conservation from 13-24 February, 2012

Course Announcement
Training Programme on Wildlife Conservation from 13-24 February, 2012
As part of the Institute’s mandate an array of training programmes are organized annually for various target groups. Most of the participants in these training programmes are in-service officers of the State Forest Departments and other line agencies. With a view to reach out to larger constituency of people having interest and enthusiasm for conservation of wildlife resources, a two-week programme is being organized from 13-24 February, 2012. The programme will include class room interactions for a week with Institute’s faculty and eminent experts on various aspects of wildlife conservation and management followed by another week in the field (Rajaji National Park, Dehradun and/or Corbett Tiger Reserve, Ramnagar) to understand the issues and challenges associated with managing flora, fauna and resource dependent human communities.
The total number of participants will be 20 and the cost will be Rs. 10,000/- participant.
Applications are invited from interested individuals who are enthusiastic and passionate about wildlife conservation and are not above 40 years of age. The application should be sent to the Institute on or before 31st December, 2011. A copy of the biodata along with a one page write-up indicating involvement in wildlife conservation activities should accompany the application which should be addressed to Dr. Bivash Pandav, Scientist & Programme Coordinator, Wildlife Institute of India, Chandrabani, Dehradun. Fax No.: 0135-2640117; Email: . The shortlisted participants will be informed by 10th January, 2012 and will be requested to send the programme fee of Rs. 10,000/- which will cover boarding, lodging and reading material. Travel cost to and from Dehradun will have to be borne by the participants.

Wildlife Institute of India (WII) / National Programme for Training of Scientists & Technologists working in Government Sector On Biodiversity Conservation/DEC.,2011

National Programme for Training of Scientists & Technologists working in Government Sector On
Biodiversity Conservation
(Sponsored by Department of Science and Technology)
6-10th February 2012
Biodiversity Conservation
Women scientists and technologists working in the Government departments/ institutions/ organizations/ universities (maximum 25).  
Wildlife Institute of India (WII) set up in 1982 has emerged as an eminent regional centre for training and research in wildlife conservation in South Asia and South-East Asia.  One of the important mandates of the institute is to train personnel at various levels for conservation and management of wildlife resources.  Since 1977 the institute has trained 901 officers in Wildlife Management which also includes 113 foreign trainees belonging to 19 countries. WII has produced 70 Ph.D.s and has a strong research and academic program.
The Institute has played a pioneering role in creating the Master of wildlife science course in 1988. The post-graduate course in Wildlife Science was designed to create skilled wildlife biologists in the region who will play an important role in the conservation of natural resources. There have been several important milestones in the brief history of planning and implementation of this unique academic program. The intricately structured course ensures the right amalgamation of theory and practical training. It instils in the young minds the spirit of scientific enquiry and acute sensitivity to environmental issues. While this course is sought after by many within the country, students from Nepal, Sri Lanka and Myanmar have also shown great interest, and have undergone the course. The academic programs coupled with several field-based projects, makes WII a veritable learning resource centre, in the subject area of wildlife science in the south Asia region.
The Institute has also been able to provide short term training programmes to about 600 officers in different subject areas of wildlife management and biodiversity conservation. Organizing short term training programmes and workshops for forest officers is a regular activity of this institute. The Institute has a good mix of permanent scientists working in different disciplines of wildlife conservation and PA Managers with vast field experience in dealing with such programmes.  One of the unique strengths of the Institute has been to blend theory and practice and therefore the inputs provided by the institute have direct linkages with the application in the field.
Conservation areas face enormous pressure and the biodiversity has declined over the years, and many species are threatened with extinction. The loss of habitat or rate of decline is faster than the human assessment of the earth's species or biological diversity. Thereby many species are likely to disappear even before they become known to science. There is an urgent need to document the diversity, conserve species, and arrest extinction.  The science of biodiversity conservation addresses these aspects. It uses theoretical knowledge from other fields of biology and applies it to finding solutions for achieving biodiversity conservation. Scientists and technologists sensitized towards biodiversity conservation have a significant role to play in paving way for a sustainable world.
The science involved in biodiversity conservation and management has developed manifold in recent years. It is important that scientists and technologists working in different sectors in the country are exposed to these issues and changes have a hands-on experience of the recent advances in the field of biodiversity conservation.
The training workshop will broadly appraise the participants about the current conservation scenarios and the ongoing issues and trends in biodiversity conservation. In this background the tentative programme of one week will be as follows: Some amendments to the program may be made depending on the profile of the participants.
  • Biodiversity conservation-an overview of National and International Initiatives, Role of Protected Areas in Biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services and climate change, Wildlife Management in India challenges and conflicts.
  • Community participation in conservation, Stakeholders in conservation, Biodiversity conservation and livelihoods of the local communities, Gender issues in Biodiversity conservation.
  • Protected Areas to Landscapes-Concept approach and challenges ahead, Mainstreaming Biodiversity conservation issues in development process.
  • Field visit to Rajaji National Park for understanding recent initiatives of relocation and changes of habitats, interaction with Gujjars and forest department personnel.
The objectives of the course are to make the scientists aware of:
1.    Principles/approaches in Biodiversity Conservation
2.    Causes of decline in natural resources/habitats and species
3.    Good practices in Biodiversity Conservation
4.    Conservation issues in the field and to
5.    Establish linkages and facilitate sharing of information among scientists
The one week course has been packaged with an introductory module on the first day and then the participants will be provided with specialized inputs for four subsequent days including a field visit to a nearby Protected Area. A course coordinator will steer the entire programme. Scientists from WII will provide inputs and subject specific resource persons of national repute, will also be invited.
The participating officers will be accommodated in the nearby Hotel while in Dehradun.  In case of field visits, accommodation in the field will be arranged by WII.
The training will be conducted at the Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun from 6-10 February 2012. The participants should plan to reach Dehradun on 5th February 2012 and depart on 11th February 2012.
Duly filled registration form along with a small write up/resume (approx 200 words) should reach the undersigned on or before 15th January 2012.
Dr. Ruchi Badola,
Professor/Scientist F,
Department of Ecodevelopment Planning and Participatory Management,
Wildlife Institute of India,
Chandrabani, Dehradun, Uttarakhand,
Ph. 0135-2640011 to 2640115, Ext. 263(O)
Mobile: 9412055986 Fax: 0135 2640117

List of SVKM Institutes/DEC.,2011

Smt. Gokalibai Punamchand Pitambar High School (GPPH)
Shri Manilal Vadilal Nanavati Prathamik Shala (MVNPS)
Shri Dhirajlal Vrajlal Parekh Shishu Vihar (DVPSV)
Chatrabhuj Narsee Memorial School (CNMS)
Chauhan Junior College of Arts & Science (CC)
Narsee Monjee Junior College of Commerce (NM Jr.)
Acharya Ambalal V. Patel Junior College (AAVPC)
Mithibai College of Arts (MITHIBAI)
Chauhan Institute of Science (CIS)
Amrutben Jivanlal College of Commerce & Economics (AJ)
Shri Baghubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic (SBMP)
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economicss (NMCCE)
Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering (DJSCE)
Bhanuben Nanavati College of Pharmacy (BNCP)
Usha Pravin Gandhi Institute of Management (UPGCM)
Bhanuben Nanavati College of Pharmacy (BNCP)
Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS)
5 Year Law College
Jitendra Chauhan College of Law (JC)
C. B. Patel Research Centre for Chemistry and Biological Sciences (CBPRC)
Institute of Intellectual Property Studies (IIPS), Mumbai
Institute of International Studies (IIS)
Harkishan Mehta Foundation Institute of Journalism & Mass Communication (HMFIJ)
Lions Juhu Sports Pavilion
Shri Bhaidas Maganlal Sabhagriha
T. N. Merchant Gymnasium
Santokba Sanskar Sadan- An air-conditioned Hall
Jashoda Rang Mandir- An open ground with a stage
Parag Vijay Dutt Sharma Academy
Juhu Jagruti Audio Visual Center
Khellaya - A coffee corner for theatre artists
Babu Bhai Jagjivan Das Hall- An air-conditioned Multipurpose Hall


Institute of Intellectual Property Studies /5 - Weekend Course on TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER & LICENSING

Institute of Intellectual Property Studies [IIPS]
Ground Floor, B-Wing, Mithibai College,
V.L Mehta Road, Vile Parle (West),
Mumbai – 400056 | Maharashtra | India
Contact- +91-22- 26132529 / 26101132 / 64514849
Mail Id:
Commencing: March. 3, 2012
Undergraduates of legal studies, biosciences/pharmacy, I.T. and engineering and Graduates from any other discipline including practising professionals, lawyers, Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, tax consultants, scientists, etc. may .
Course Curriculum
  • General Principles of Contract,
  • Commercial aspects of Technology Transfer & licensing - Important consideration for licensor & licencee
  • Advantages & disadvantages, scope, types of sublicensing and considerations
  • Drafting of Licensing agreements - Important terms & conditions & structuring the agreement
  • Negotiating agreements & Alternate Dispute Resolution
Classes held only on weekends
Saturday: 3.00 pm – 7.00 pm & Sunday: 9.00 am – 1.00 pm
Fees: 30,000/- + 10.3% service tax per participant (fees include tuitions and reading material)
For details contact: IIPS
SVKM's NMIMS University Institute of Intellectual Property Studies
Ground Floor,  Mithibai College, Gate no.2, Vile Parle (West), Mumbai - 400 056
Tel: 91-22-2613 25 29/ 2610 11 32/ 6451 4849 Fax.:- 2613 2532
Email:  Website:

IIPS / Certificate Course in Intellectual Property (CCIP)/Dec.,2011

Certificate Course in Intellectual Property (CCIP)
 Commences 7TH JANUARY 2012
 Fill online application form
Program Overview
Teaching Methodology
Evaluation Procedure & Eligibility
Admission Procedure
CCIPProgram Overview

The IIPS Certificate Course in Intellectual Property provides participants with an appreciative insight into the role and significance of the different forms of Intellectual property rights, their application to a work environment and their management in the greater generation of value and wealth; through an understanding of the fundamentals of the IPR regimes and protection systems.
The uniqueness of this awareness programme lies in the elaboration of the multi-faceted IPR issues around us and the legal, economic and management challenges confronting the IPR protection systems as a result of the technological developments. Ethical ramifications and issues of public policy are also examined.
At the end of the course the student will have:
  1. An overview of the various categories of IP i.e. Copyrights, Patents, Designs, Trademarks, Trade Secrets etc and their related rights and applications.
  2. An in-depth appreciation of the significance of the IPR protection system as a tool for technology innovation, technology transfer and the creation of greater wealth and value for corporations and individuals
  3. A good knowledge of the national and international IPR protection systems and their implications for business, including the impact of the Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights Agreement (TRIPs); relevance of the international conventions and treaties, resolutions of disputes and enforcements of IPRs.
  4. A basic understanding of the many facets of IPR protection: legal, economic, managerial and social, and the challenges brought about by technological advancement, particularly biotechnology and computing industries.
  5. Understanding of procedures relating to the acquisition and protection of  IPs.
Module: 1   Introduction to IP
Module: 2   All about Trademarks    
Module: 3   All about Patents 
Module: 4 Copyrights
Module: 5 Industrial Designs      
Module: 7 Cyber law Management
Module: 8 Trade Secrets
Module: 9 Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Layout - Design
Module: 10 Traditional Knowledge, Plant Varieties and Biodiversity
Module: 11 Valuation of intellectual properties
 for details click;

please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें