please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

Sunday, 25 December 2011

BHU / Forthcoming Conference/Seminar/Symposium/Workshops / Dec.,2011

Following Programmes (Conference/Seminar/Symposium/Workshop) will be organized under the Departments on the dates mentioned against each. 
  fo'ofo|ky; esa fuEufyf[kr dk;ZØe (Conference/Seminar/Symposium/Workshop) uhps fn;s x;s dk;ZØekuqlkj vk;ksftr fd;s tk;saxsA 
   lHkh foHkkxk/;{kksa ls fuosnu fd;k tkrk gS fd dksbZ vU; dk;ZØe u j[ks vU;Fkk vkokl bR;kfn dh lqfo/kk esa ijs'kkuh gks ldrh gSA
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Events in Current Month
Name of Programme
Name of the Organizer & Department /Faculty
19-12-2011 to 20-12-2011  
International Seminar on “Nepal’s Foreign Policy” Prof. Anjoo S. Upadhyaya, Coordinator, Centre for the Study of Nepal, Faculty of Social Sciences, BHU

26-12-2011 to 01-01-2012
Workshop on “Nano and Advanced Materials and their Applications” Corrigendum: This workshop shifted for the time period 9th April,2012 to April,2012
Prof. O. N. Srivastava, Convener, Deptt. of Physics, BHU

26-12-2011 to 28-12-2011
* CME cum Workshop on “Genetics Markers and Human Disease”
Dr. A. K. Saxena, Centre of Experimental Medicine & Surgery, IMS, BHU

Events in  January '2012

03-01-2012 to 04-01-2012
 National Seminar on “L’ enseignement du francais : Problemes, Perspectives et Defis”
Prof. D.K. Singh, Director of the Seminar, Deptt. of French Studies, Faculty of Arts, BHU

National Workshop on “Social Business Lab” (Under SAP, UGC)
Prof. H.C. Chaudhary, Coordinator, Faculty of Management Studies, BHU

* National Meet of BHUMAA
The Dean, Faculty of Management Studies, BHU

“Utthan-2012” – Social Business Plans Competition”
Prof. H.C. Chaudhary, Coordinator, Faculty of Management Studies, BHU

07-01-2012 to 16-01-2012
* Orientation-cum-workshop in Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Dr. Anil Thakur, Coordinator, Deptt. of Linguistics, BHU

09-01-2012 to 11-01-2012
Prof. B.D. Tripathi, Centre for Environmental Science & Technology, BHU

12-01-2012 to 13-01-2012
National Seminar on “Quality Extension for Quality Production”
Prof. Dipak De, Organizing Secretary, Deptt. of Extension Education, I.A. Scs., BHU

16-01-2012 to 21-01-2012
* Training Programme on Kshara Sutra Therapy [Brochure][Registration Form]
Dr. Lakshman Singh, Deptt. of Shalya Tantra, IMS, BHU

19-01-2012 to 21-01-2012
International Seminar on “Physical Education, Recreation and Yogic Sciences” [Brochure][Registration form]
Prof. B.C. Kapri, Head, Organizing Secretary, Deptt. of Physical Education, BHU

22-01-2012 to 23-01-2012
* Symposium on “Population Genetics and Chromatin Dynamics” [BROCHURE][REGISTRATION FORM]
Prof. J. K. Roy, Convener, Deptt. of Zoology, BHU

23-01-2012 to 24-01-2012
International Conference on “Recent Advances in Cognition & Health (ICRACH-2012”[Brochure]  [Registration Form]
Dr. Indramani Lal Singh, Director, ICRACH-2012 and Dr. Rakesh Pandey, Organizing Secretary, ICRACH-2012, Deptt. of Psychology, BHU

23-01-2012 to 24-01-2012
* National Convention and National Seminar on “Design and Development of Materials for Advanced Technologies (DMAT-2012)
Prof. G.V.S. Sastry, Deptt. of Metallurgical Engg., IT, BHU

26-01-2012 to 31-01-2012
National Conference of 55thAICOG 2012
Prof. Anuradha Khanna, Deptt. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, IMS, BHU

Events in  February '2012

04-02-2012 to 05-02-2012
International Workshop on “Post Economic Meltdown Era-Challenges & Strategies”
Prof. S. K. Singh, Coordinator of the Workshop, Dean, Faculty of Management Studies, BHU

07-02-2012 to 10-02-2012
* 2nd International Workshop on “Spectroscopic Signatures of Molecular Complexes/Ions in Our Atmosphere and Beyond”
Prof. B. N. Dwivedi, Vice-Chairman and Dr. Prabhakar Singh, Organizing Secretary, Deptt. of Applied Physics, IT, BHU

08-02-2012 to 10-02-2012
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10-02-2012 to 11-02-2012
National Seminar on “Translation, Location and Identity” 
Prof. G. Trivikramaiah, Organizing Secretary, Deptt. of Telugu, BHU
11-02-2012 to 12-02-2012
National Seminar On Role of Music and Sports on Education and Mental Health of Children [Brochure][Reg_Form]
Prof. P.N.Singh, Convener, Faculty of Education, BHU

11-02-2012 to 12-02-2012
*A National Symposium on Advanced functional materials”
Prof. U. S. Rai, Convener, Deptt. of Chemistry, BHU

15-02-2012 to 17-02-2012
* All India American Studies Workshop
Prof. Priyankar Upadhyaya, Coordinator, Malaviya Centre for Peace Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, BHU

17-02-2012 to 19-02-2012
Prof. Kamal Sheel, Head, Deptt. of Linguistics & Dean, Faculty of Arts, BHU

17-02-2012 to 18-02-2012
* International Seminar on “Current trends in Music Therapy Practices: Methodology, techniques and implementation”
Prof. Sharada Velanker, Convener, Deptt. of Vocal Music, Faculty of Performing Arts, BHU

20-02-2012 to 21-02-2012
International Seminar on “Reorganization of States in India: Problems and Prospects”
Prof. R. P. Pathak, Deptt. of Political Science, BHU

22-02-2012 to 24-02-2012
National Seminar on “Recent advances and future challenges in geochemistry & geophysics the Indian scenario”
Dr. N. V. Chalapathi Rao, Convener, Deptt. of Geology, BHU

23-02-2012 to 29-02-2012
* National Workshop on “Adventure Sports & Certificate Course in Mountaineering and Allied Sports”
Prof. R. G. Singh, Deptt. of Nephrology, Professor In charge, University Mountaineering Centre and
Dr. Vikram Singh, Assistant Professor of Deptt. of Physical Education, Faculty of Arts, Organizing Secretary, ASCCMAS, University Mountaineering Centre, BHU

24-02-2012 to 25-02-2012
* National Conference on Recent Advances in Waste Management, RAWM-2012
Prof. B. N. Rai, Convener and  Dr. R.S. Singh, Organizing Secretary, Deptt. of Chemical Engineering & Technology, IT, BHU

25-02-2012 to 26-02-2012
* “SPIRIT’ 2012 – It’s Inside You” A national level Seminar-cum-Scientific & Literary Competition
Prof. S.K. Singh, Organizing Secretary, Deptt. of Pharmaceutics, IT, BHU

25-02-2012 to 26-02-2012
International Seminar on “Minorities in India and Canada”
Prof. Rajani Ranjan Jha, Director, Canadian Studies Development Programme, Deptt. of Political Science, BHU
28-02-2012 to 29-02-2012  
National Conference on "Factors affecting Teaching & Research and Strategy to Improve Quality in Higher Education  [Brochure][Registration Form]Prof. R.P. Shukla, Faculty of Education, BHU

27-02-2012 to 29-02-2012
Dr. R.N. Kharwar, Organizing Secretary, Deptt. of Botany, BHU

Events in  March '2012

02-03-2012 to 04-03-2012
Prof. V. K. Singh, Deptt. of Statistics, BHU

02-03-2012 to 03-03-2012
Dr. Satyen Saha, Coordinator of the Lecture –Workshop, Deptt. of Chemistry, BHU

14-03-2012 to 16-03-2012
National Seminar on “Reorienting Geography to meet present and future demands in planning and decision making processes”
Prof. K. N. Prudhvi Raju & Prof. Jagadish Singh, Conveners, Deptt. of Geography, BHU
14-03-2012 to 16-03-2012
National Seminar on Environmental Concerns and Sustainable Development: Issues and Challenges for India
[Brochure]  [Reg.Form]
Dr. G.S. Singh, Organising Secretary,Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development,BHU

17-03-2012 to 18-03-2012

* International Workshop on “The Role of Governance in the Resolution of Socioeconomic and Political Conflict in India and Europe”
Prof. Priyankar Upadhyaya, Coordinator, Malaviya Centre for Peace Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, BHU

17-03-2012 to 19-03-2012
* National Seminar on “Social Ideals and Reality in Ancient India”
Prof. S. R. Dubey, Coordinator, Deptt. of A.I.H.C. & Archaeology, B.H.U.

20-03-2012 to 21-03-2012
Prof. Meena Sodhi, Principal, Mahila Mahavidyalaya, BHU

19-03-2012 to 24-03-2012
Workshop on “Advanced Functional Materials”
Dr. Anup K. Ghosh, Convenor, Deptt. of Physics, BHU

23-03-2012 to 25-03-2012
* National level Conference on “Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation”
Prof. O. P. Singh, Convener, Deptt. of Applied Mathematics, IT, BHU

23-03-2012 to 24-03-2012
* Indian Photobiology Society Meeting
Prof. C. Haldar, Deptt. of Zoology, BHU

Events in  May '2012

05-05-2012 to 07-05-2012
National Seminar on “Geographical Perspective of Development Deficit and Naxal Movement”
Dr. Anand Prasad Mishra, Convener, Deptt. of Geography, BHU

Events in  August '2012

18-08-2012 to 19-08-2012
National Seminar on “Emerging Technological Advancement in Allied Sports (ETAAS)”
Dr. Satish Kanaujia, Institute of Technology-Gymkhana, BHU

Events in  September '2012

10-09-2012 to 12-09-2012
International Conference on “18thHimalayan Languages Symposium”
Dr. Anil Thakur, Organizing Secretary, Deptt. of Linguistics, BHU

Events in  October '2012

09-10-2012 to 12-10-2012
Dr. S. Karthikeyan, Head, Deptt. of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, BHU

29-10-2012 to 31-10-2012
National Conference on “Reorienting Geography Education & Training for Sustainable Development in India”
Dr. Ravi S. Singh, Deptt. of Geography, BHU

Events in  November '2012

04-11-2012 to 09-11-2012
Fifth International Conference on Electroactive Polymers (ICEP-2012)
Dr. Rajendra Kumar Singh, Convener, Deptt. of Physics, BHU

Events in  December '2012

12-12-2012 to 14-12-2012
Prof. S. P. Singh, Convener, Deptt. of Electrical Engineering, IT, BHU

Events in  January '2013

06-01-2013 to 10-01-2013
Prof. S.K. Upadhyay, Convener, Deptt. of Statistics, BHU

Events in  February '2013

08-02-2013 to 10-02-2013
14th National Conference & CME of the Indian Society of Neuroanaesthesiology & Critical Care (ISNACC)
Prof. L.D. Mishra, Organizing Chairman and Dr. R. B. Singh, Organizing Secretary, Deptt. of Anaesthesiology, IMS, BHU

18-02-2013 to 21-02-2013
4th International Conference on "Recent Advances in Composite Materials (ICRACM-2013)Brochure
Prof. V.K. Srivastava, Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering, IT, BHU

Events in  November '2013

22-11-2013 to 25-11-2013
7th Asia-Pacific Congress of Entomology
Prof. N. N. Singh, Deptt. of Entomology & Agril. Zoology, I.A. Scs., BHU

Events in  December '2013

28-12-2013 to 30-12-2013
12th International Asian Urbanization Conference
Prof. Braj Raj Kumar Sinha, Convener of the Conference, Deptt. of Geography, Faculty of Science, BHU


University of Burdwan / Results / Dec.,2011

please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें