Events in Current Month | Name of Programme | Name of the Organizer & Department /Faculty |
| 19-12-2011 to 20-12-2011 | International Seminar on “Nepal’s Foreign Policy” | Prof. Anjoo S. Upadhyaya, Coordinator, Centre for the Study of Nepal, Faculty of Social Sciences, BHU |
| 26-12-2011 to 01-01-2012 | Workshop on “Nano and Advanced Materials and their Applications” Corrigendum: This workshop shifted for the time period 9th April,2012 to April,2012 | Prof. O. N. Srivastava, Convener, Deptt. of Physics, BHU |
| 26-12-2011 to 28-12-2011 | * CME cum Workshop on “Genetics Markers and Human Disease” | Dr. A. K. Saxena, Centre of Experimental Medicine & Surgery, IMS, BHU |
| Events in January '2012 |
| 03-01-2012 to 04-01-2012 | National Seminar on “L’ enseignement du francais : Problemes, Perspectives et Defis” | Prof. D.K. Singh, Director of the Seminar, Deptt. of French Studies, Faculty of Arts, BHU |
| 06-01-2012 | National Workshop on “Social Business Lab” (Under SAP, UGC) | Prof. H.C. Chaudhary, Coordinator, Faculty of Management Studies, BHU |
| 07-01-2012 | * National Meet of BHUMAA | The Dean, Faculty of Management Studies, BHU |
| 07-01-2012 | “Utthan-2012” – Social Business Plans Competition” | Prof. H.C. Chaudhary, Coordinator, Faculty of Management Studies, BHU |
| 07-01-2012 to 16-01-2012 | * Orientation-cum-workshop in Natural Language Processing (NLP) | Dr. Anil Thakur, Coordinator, Deptt. of Linguistics, BHU |
| 09-01-2012 to 11-01-2012 | | Prof. B.D. Tripathi, Centre for Environmental Science & Technology, BHU |
| 12-01-2012 to 13-01-2012 | National Seminar on “Quality Extension for Quality Production” | Prof. Dipak De, Organizing Secretary, Deptt. of Extension Education, I.A. Scs., BHU |
| 16-01-2012 to 21-01-2012 | | Dr. Lakshman Singh, Deptt. of Shalya Tantra, IMS, BHU |
| 19-01-2012 to 21-01-2012 | | Prof. B.C. Kapri, Head, Organizing Secretary, Deptt. of Physical Education, BHU |
| 22-01-2012 to 23-01-2012 | | Prof. J. K. Roy, Convener, Deptt. of Zoology, BHU |
| 23-01-2012 to 24-01-2012 | | Dr. Indramani Lal Singh, Director, ICRACH-2012 and Dr. Rakesh Pandey, Organizing Secretary, ICRACH-2012, Deptt. of Psychology, BHU |
| 23-01-2012 to 24-01-2012 | * National Convention and National Seminar on “Design and Development of Materials for Advanced Technologies (DMAT-2012) | Prof. G.V.S. Sastry, Deptt. of Metallurgical Engg., IT, BHU |
| 26-01-2012 to 31-01-2012 | National Conference of 55thAICOG 2012 | Prof. Anuradha Khanna, Deptt. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, IMS, BHU |
| Events in February '2012 |
| 04-02-2012 to 05-02-2012 | International Workshop on “Post Economic Meltdown Era-Challenges & Strategies” | Prof. S. K. Singh, Coordinator of the Workshop, Dean, Faculty of Management Studies, BHU |
| 07-02-2012 to 10-02-2012 | * 2nd International Workshop on “Spectroscopic Signatures of Molecular Complexes/Ions in Our Atmosphere and Beyond” | Prof. B. N. Dwivedi, Vice-Chairman and Dr. Prabhakar Singh, Organizing Secretary, Deptt. of Applied Physics, IT, BHU |
| 08-02-2012 to 10-02-2012 | * lexz thou n`f”V vkSj ekuo ewY; % fpUru vkSj pqukSfr;k¡ ij jk”Vªh; laxks”Bh | izks0 dey’khy] la;kstd] ekyoh; ewY; vuq’khyu dsUnz] dk’kh fgUnw fo’ofo|ky;A |
| 10-02-2012 to 11-02-2012 | National Seminar on “Translation, Location and Identity” | Prof. G. Trivikramaiah, Organizing Secretary, Deptt. of Telugu, BHU |
| 11-02-2012 to 12-02-2012 | National Seminar On Role of Music and Sports on Education and Mental Health of Children [Brochure][Reg_Form] | Prof. P.N.Singh, Convener, Faculty of Education, BHU |
| 11-02-2012 to 12-02-2012 | *A National Symposium on Advanced functional materials” | Prof. U. S. Rai, Convener, Deptt. of Chemistry, BHU |
| 15-02-2012 to 17-02-2012 | * All India American Studies Workshop | Prof. Priyankar Upadhyaya, Coordinator, Malaviya Centre for Peace Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, BHU |
| 17-02-2012 to 19-02-2012 | | Prof. Kamal Sheel, Head, Deptt. of Linguistics & Dean, Faculty of Arts, BHU |
| 17-02-2012 to 18-02-2012 | * International Seminar on “Current trends in Music Therapy Practices: Methodology, techniques and implementation” | Prof. Sharada Velanker, Convener, Deptt. of Vocal Music, Faculty of Performing Arts, BHU |
| 20-02-2012 to 21-02-2012 | International Seminar on “Reorganization of States in India: Problems and Prospects” | Prof. R. P. Pathak, Deptt. of Political Science, BHU |
| 22-02-2012 to 24-02-2012 | National Seminar on “Recent advances and future challenges in geochemistry & geophysics the Indian scenario” | Dr. N. V. Chalapathi Rao, Convener, Deptt. of Geology, BHU |
| 23-02-2012 to 29-02-2012 | * National Workshop on “Adventure Sports & Certificate Course in Mountaineering and Allied Sports” | Prof. R. G. Singh, Deptt. of Nephrology, Professor In charge, University Mountaineering Centre and
Dr. Vikram Singh, Assistant Professor of Deptt. of Physical Education, Faculty of Arts, Organizing Secretary, ASCCMAS, University Mountaineering Centre, BHU |
| 24-02-2012 to 25-02-2012 | * National Conference on Recent Advances in Waste Management, RAWM-2012 | Prof. B. N. Rai, Convener and Dr. R.S. Singh, Organizing Secretary, Deptt. of Chemical Engineering & Technology, IT, BHU |
| 25-02-2012 to 26-02-2012 | * “SPIRIT’ 2012 – It’s Inside You” A national level Seminar-cum-Scientific & Literary Competition | Prof. S.K. Singh, Organizing Secretary, Deptt. of Pharmaceutics, IT, BHU |
| 25-02-2012 to 26-02-2012 | International Seminar on “Minorities in India and Canada” | Prof. Rajani Ranjan Jha, Director, Canadian Studies Development Programme, Deptt. of Political Science, BHU |
| 28-02-2012 to 29-02-2012 | National Conference on "Factors affecting Teaching & Research and Strategy to Improve Quality in Higher Education [Brochure][Registration Form] | Prof. R.P. Shukla, Faculty of Education, BHU |
| 27-02-2012 to 29-02-2012 | | Dr. R.N. Kharwar, Organizing Secretary, Deptt. of Botany, BHU |
| Events in March '2012 |
| 02-03-2012 to 04-03-2012 | | Prof. V. K. Singh, Deptt. of Statistics, BHU |
| 02-03-2012 to 03-03-2012 | | Dr. Satyen Saha, Coordinator of the Lecture –Workshop, Deptt. of Chemistry, BHU |
| 14-03-2012 to 16-03-2012 | National Seminar on “Reorienting Geography to meet present and future demands in planning and decision making processes” | Prof. K. N. Prudhvi Raju & Prof. Jagadish Singh, Conveners, Deptt. of Geography, BHU |
| 14-03-2012 to 16-03-2012 | National Seminar on Environmental Concerns and Sustainable Development: Issues and Challenges for India
[Brochure] [Reg.Form] | Dr. G.S. Singh, Organising Secretary,Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development,BHU |
| 17-03-2012 to 18-03-2012
| * International Workshop on “The Role of Governance in the Resolution of Socioeconomic and Political Conflict in India and Europe” | Prof. Priyankar Upadhyaya, Coordinator, Malaviya Centre for Peace Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, BHU |
| 17-03-2012 to 19-03-2012 | * National Seminar on “Social Ideals and Reality in Ancient India” | Prof. S. R. Dubey, Coordinator, Deptt. of A.I.H.C. & Archaeology, B.H.U. |
| 20-03-2012 to 21-03-2012 | | Prof. Meena Sodhi, Principal, Mahila Mahavidyalaya, BHU |
| 19-03-2012 to 24-03-2012 | Workshop on “Advanced Functional Materials” | Dr. Anup K. Ghosh, Convenor, Deptt. of Physics, BHU |
| 23-03-2012 to 25-03-2012 | * National level Conference on “Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation” | Prof. O. P. Singh, Convener, Deptt. of Applied Mathematics, IT, BHU |
| 23-03-2012 to 24-03-2012 | * Indian Photobiology Society Meeting | Prof. C. Haldar, Deptt. of Zoology, BHU |
| Events in May '2012 |
| 05-05-2012 to 07-05-2012 | National Seminar on “Geographical Perspective of Development Deficit and Naxal Movement” | Dr. Anand Prasad Mishra, Convener, Deptt. of Geography, BHU |
| Events in August '2012 |
| 18-08-2012 to 19-08-2012 | National Seminar on “Emerging Technological Advancement in Allied Sports (ETAAS)” | Dr. Satish Kanaujia, Institute of Technology-Gymkhana, BHU |
| Events in September '2012 |
| 10-09-2012 to 12-09-2012 | International Conference on “18thHimalayan Languages Symposium” | Dr. Anil Thakur, Organizing Secretary, Deptt. of Linguistics, BHU |
| Events in October '2012 |
| 09-10-2012 to 12-10-2012 | | Dr. S. Karthikeyan, Head, Deptt. of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, BHU |
| 29-10-2012 to 31-10-2012 | National Conference on “Reorienting Geography Education & Training for Sustainable Development in India” | Dr. Ravi S. Singh, Deptt. of Geography, BHU |
| Events in November '2012 |
| 04-11-2012 to 09-11-2012 | Fifth International Conference on Electroactive Polymers (ICEP-2012) | Dr. Rajendra Kumar Singh, Convener, Deptt. of Physics, BHU |
| Events in December '2012 |
| 12-12-2012 to 14-12-2012 | | Prof. S. P. Singh, Convener, Deptt. of Electrical Engineering, IT, BHU |
| Events in January '2013 |
| 06-01-2013 to 10-01-2013 | | Prof. S.K. Upadhyay, Convener, Deptt. of Statistics, BHU |
| Events in February '2013 |
| 08-02-2013 to 10-02-2013 | 14th National Conference & CME of the Indian Society of Neuroanaesthesiology & Critical Care (ISNACC) | Prof. L.D. Mishra, Organizing Chairman and Dr. R. B. Singh, Organizing Secretary, Deptt. of Anaesthesiology, IMS, BHU |
| 18-02-2013 to 21-02-2013 | | Prof. V.K. Srivastava, Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering, IT, BHU |
| Events in November '2013 |
| 22-11-2013 to 25-11-2013 | 7th Asia-Pacific Congress of Entomology | Prof. N. N. Singh, Deptt. of Entomology & Agril. Zoology, I.A. Scs., BHU |
| Events in December '2013 |
| 28-12-2013 to 30-12-2013 | 12th International Asian Urbanization Conference | Prof. Braj Raj Kumar Sinha, Convener of the Conference, Deptt. of Geography, Faculty of Science, BHU