please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Jims/Admissions in various undergraduate courses/August 2011

Interested candidates can register themselves by filling up ‘Application Form’ available at the JIMS Campuses or download it from the JIMS website.

Availability of Application Forms in Person
The JIMS Application Form and Prospectus for all the Under Graduate courses can be collected in person for Rs. 900/- (in cash) from any of the Campus Locations.
[Click here for JIMS Campus Locations]

Availability of Application Forms by Post
JIMS Application Forms can be issued through Postal Service by sending a Demand Draft of Rs.950/- drawn in favour of"JaganNath Institute of Management Sciences", payable at Delhi to any of the Campus Locations.
[Click here for JIMS Campus Locations]

Download Application Form
Applicants can download the JIMS Application Form from the JIMS website. Downloaded form is to be duly filled-in by the applicant and sent to any of the preferred JIMS Campus Locations along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 950/- drawn in favour of "JaganNath Institute of Management Sciences", payable at Delhi, towards the payment of original form and prospectus.
[Click here to Download JIMS Form]
[Click here for JIMS Campus Locations]

Online Registration
Applicants can undergo online registration where they can fill the JIMS Application Form online. Once the Online Registration is successfully completed, a set of instructions will appear on the screen. Follow them.
[Click here to Register Online]

Indian Council of Agricultural Research/Scholarships and Fellowships/August 2011

Scholarships and Fellowships

Post Matric Scholarship for SC/ST - 240 number per year

(vide O.O. 13(1)/81-HRD dated 04-02-1985)
Eligibility : For SC/ST Undergraduate degree program students studying in Agricultural Universities (State Agricultural Universities, Allhabad Agricultural Institute Deemed University, Central Agricultural University, Central Universities having Agriculture faculty and ICAR Institute based Deemed to be Universities)
Amount : Rs. 300/- pm + Rs. 750/- annual grant for the duration of the program

Merit cum Means (MCM) Scholarships

(vide O.O. No. 1(2)/2006-HRD dated 24.4.2007, effective from 1.4.2007)
Eligibility : For Undergraduate degree program students having Parents Annual Income below Rs. 1 Lakh and studying in Agricultural Universities
Amount : Rs. 500/- pm for the duration of the program

National Talent Scholarships (NTS)

(Approved as per 10 th Plan EFC)
Eligibility : For Undergraduate degree program students studying in Agricultural Universities not located in the domicile State of the student and selected through ICAR/VCI All India Entrance Examination for admission to UG programs and award of NTS in agriculture and allied subjects.
Amount : Rs. 1000/- pm for the duration of the program

Internships for Veterinary students

Eligibility : For B.V.Sc & AH and equivalent degree program students studying in Agricultural Universities
Amount : Rs. 400/- pm for 6 months + travel grant of Rs. 200/- for the duration of internship

ICAR Junior Research Fellowships for pursuing Master's degree - 475 number

(vide O.O. F No. 6(12)/2007-A&P(Edn.) dated 8 th February 2008)
Eligibility : For Master's students studying in Agricultural Universities
Amount :
Rs. 8640/- pm + Contingency grant of Rs. 6000/- per year for other than Veterinary Science students
Rs. 12000/- pm + Contingency grant of Rs. 6000/- per year for Veterinary Science students

ICAR Senior Research Fellowships for pursuing Ph. D. degree - 202 number

(vide O.O. F No. 6(12)/2007-A&P(Edn.) dated 8 th February 2008)
Eligibility : For Ph.D. students studying in Agricultural Universities
Amount :
Rs. 12000/- pm for 1 st and 2 nd year and Rs. 14000/- pm for 3 rd year + Contingency grant of Rs. 10000/- per year for other than Veterinary Science students
Rs. 14000/- pm for 1 st and 2 nd year and Rs. 15000/- pm for 3 rd year + Contingency grant of Rs. 10000/- per year for Veterinary Science students


Dr. Arvind Kumar, Deputy Director General (Education)
Division of Education, Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan - II, New Delhi - 110 012 INDIA.
Phone: (Off.) 91-11-25841760; Fax: 91-11-25843932

IGNOU/On-Demand Term End Exam/AUGUST 2011

An Overview
Evaluation of the performance of learners is one of the important components of any teaching-learning system. Indira Gandhi National Open University evaluates the performance of its learners through Tutor Marked Assignments, project works, practical and the Term End Examinations. As one of the learners friendly features, the University has been conducting Term End Examinations twice in a year. On-Demand Term End Examination is an innovative step forward to make the examination system more flexible and to provide an opportunity for the learners to take up the examinations as per their desire and preparation.

This innovative venture of On-Demand Term End Examination will provide a completely flexible system of examination independent of the traditional fixed time frame. Under the scheme of On-Demand Term End Examinations, IGNOU students can walk into the identified On-Demand Term End Exam Centre of the University on the prescribed days and time as per their choice and after registering for On Demand Exam, they appear for the examination in the course in which they are eligible to appear in the term end Exam. They may not require to wait for the six monthly term end examination.

The required question papers are generated by the computer picking up the questions randomly from the question bank as per the blue print and design specific to the courses on the day of examination.
Features of On-Demand Term End Exam
The required question papers are generated by the computer picking up the questions randomly from the question bank as per the blue print and design specific to the courses on the day of examination. The On-Demand Term End Exam is an innovative venture in the field of evaluation of the performance of the students as per their preparations for examination. Following are the important features of On-Demand Term End Exam:

     •   No need to wait for the six monthly term end examinations.
     •   Choice of deciding the dates of exam lies with students.
     •   Individualized question paper for each student.
     •   On-line registration for On-Demand Term End Exam.
     •  On-line issue of Hall Ticket for appearing in On-Demand
          Term End Exam.
     •   On-line Payment of Exam fee for On-Demand Term End
     •   On-line clarification of doubts through e-mail.
     •   Complete transparency in allotment of exam dates.
     •   No possibility of malpractices.
     •   May reduce load on the term end exam.

Eligibility for On-Demand Term End Exam

Registration for On-Demand Term End Exam

Registration for On-Demand Term End Examination will be on-line. Any registered and bonafide student of IGNOU having an enrolment number can register for On-Demand Term End Exam on-line by filling and submitting on-line registration form along with the requisite examination fee on-line through credit card or through Bank Draft. If the registration fee is paid online through credit card and the student found to be eligible for appearing in the examination, Hall Ticket will be generated on-line immediately after registration for On-Demand Term End Exam.
If the examination fee is submitted through bank draft, the bank draft number, amount, date and name of drawee should be mentioned in the on-line registration form. An acknowledgement receipt will be generated immediately after submission of the registration form, if otherwise found eligible. In such cases copy of the acknowledgement receipt along with the Bank Draft in favour of the IGNOU should be sent to the concerned Regional Centre. The registration for On-Demand Term End Exam will be confirmed only after receiving the requisite examination fee.
Contact ;
Coordinator (On-Demand Term End Exam)
National Centre for Innovation in Distance Educations
G-Block Zakir Husan Bhawan
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Ghari, New Delhi – 110068

Students Evaluation Division
Indira Gandhi National Open University
 Students have the option to appear in the On-Demand Term End Examination provided they have completed the minimum eligibility period and their admission is valid. The eligible students can appear in the On-Demand Term End Examination as per their wish and preparation as and when they feel ready for the examination, subject to the availability of seats in the On-Demand Term End Exam Centres and availability of the On-Demand Term End Exam in that particular Course/programme.   
 Before registering for On-Demand Term End Exam, please ensure that you have 
 completed minimum study period required for appearing in the examination. 
 attended practical sessions wherever necessary to be eligible to appear in the exam. 
 submitted the required number of assignments. 
 valid registration for the programme. 
 not ever been found indulged in using unfair means or debarred from any examination of the university. 


                                           STUDENT EVALUATION DIVISION


Course Code
Dates of Exam
(10.00 a.m to 12.00 noon)

Session-1 (Forenoon)
Session-2 (Afternoon)

(10a.m to 11.30a.m)
(1.30p.m to 3.00p.m)
Course Code
Date of Exam









Saturday, 30 July 2011


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    ΟResult of B.Ed. PDF29-0711
    ΟRanklist of B.Ed. PDF29-0711
    ΟRegular Result of MBA(IB), May 2011 PDF28-07-11
    ΟUFM Result of M.Ed.1st SemPDF28-07-11
    ΟRevised Regular Result of Sahar Airom, Roll No. 1171663908 E.T. Exam December 2010-PDF27-07-11
    ΟRegular & Reappear Result of B.Tech.(CIVIL)8th SemPDF27-07-11
    ΟRegular & Reappear Result of B.Tech.(CSE)8th SemPDF27-07-11
    ΟRegular & Reappear Result of B.Tech.(ECE)8th SemPDF27-07-11
    ΟRegular & Reappear Result of B.Tech.(EEE)8th SemPDF27-07-11
    ΟRegular & Reappear Result of B.Tech.(ICE)8th SemPDF27-07-11
    ΟRegular & Reappear Result of B.Tech.(IT)8th SemPDF27-07-11
    ΟRegular & Reappear Result of B.Tech.(MAE)8th SemPDF27-07-11
    ΟRegular & Reappear Result of B.Tech.(PE)8th SemPDF27-07-11
    ΟPending Result of RITIKA AHUJA, ROLL NO. 07114803910 PDF27-07-11
    ΟRechecking Result of B.Tech., Dec-2010 (Change Cases)All SemesterPDF26-07-11
    ΟRechecking Result of B.Tech., Dec-2010 (No Change Cases) PDF26-07-11
    ΟDecision of Unfair Means Cases booked during End Term Exam PDF26-07-11
    ΟResult of BJ(MC)6th SemPDF26-07-11
    ΟResult of MBA(SEM)2nd, 4th SemPDF26-07-11
    ΟResult of Advanced Course in Behavior TestingIInd BatchPDF26-07-11
    ΟRechecking Result of Mr. Vikram Mann , Roll No. 05713303910 (No Change) PDF22-07-11
    ΟResult of BHMS, Batch 20071st SemPDF20-07-11
    ΟResult of BHMS, Batch 20081st SemPDF20-07-11
    ΟResult of BHMS, Batch 20091st SemPDF20-07-11
    ΟResult of BHMS, Batch 20082nd SemPDF20-07-11
    ΟResult of BHMS, Batch 20072nd SemPDF20-07-11
    ΟResult of BHMS, Batch 20063rd SemPDF20-07-11
    ΟResult of BHMS, Batch 20073rd SemPDF20-07-11
    ΟResult of BHMS, Batch 20044th SemPDF20-07-11
    ΟResult of BHMS, Batch 20054th SemPDF20-07-11
    ΟResult of BHMS, Batch 20064th SemPDF20-07-11
    ΟRechecking Result of MCA (SE), Dec.2010 (Change Case)SemPDF20-07-11
    ΟRechecking Result of MCA (SE), Dec.2010 (No Change)SemPDF20-07-11
    ΟRanklist for B.Pharma8th SemPDF18-07-11
    ΟResults for B.Pharma8th SemPDF18-07-11
    ΟResult of M.Tech (NST)4th SemPDF15-07-11
    ΟRank List of M.A.(CRIMINOLOGY) / M.SC.(CRIMINOLOGY), Exam May-June-20114th SemPDF14-07-11
    ΟRank List of M.Sc.(FS), Exam May-June-20114th SemPDF14-07-11
    ΟRank List of BCA , Exam May-June-20116th SemPDF14-07-11
    ΟRegular & Re-Appear Result of BCA , Exam May-June-20116th SemPDF14-07-11
    ΟRegular Result of MA English , Exam May-June-20112nd &4th SemPDF13-07-11
    ΟRANK LIST of X Semester LLB(H) May-June 2011 PDF08-07-11
    ΟResult of X Semester LLB(H) May-June 2011 PDF08-07-11
    ΟRevised Result of BBA (G) Roll No. 07020601709, 05690401709 & 07190401709 E.T. EXAM DECEMBER 2010 PDF08-07-11
    ΟRevised Result of BBA B&I Roll No.0651931808 & 06619301810 E.T. Exam December 2010 PDF08-07-11
    ΟRevised Result of BBA CAM Roll No.0532151907 & 0492151908 E.T. Exam December 2010 PDF08-07-11
    ΟRevised Result of BBA G Roll No. 0452051708 & 0542121707 E.T. Exam December 2010 PDF08-07-11
    ΟRevised Result of BBA TTM Roll No. 0641475005,07312205009 & 07212205009 E.T. Exam December 2010 PDF08-07-11
    ΟRevised Result of MBA Roll No. 03219103910 E.T. Exam December PDF08-07-11
    Results of BHMCT, May -2011
    8th SemPDF05-07-11
    Rank List of BHMCT, May -2011
    8th SemPDF04-07-11
    Result of M.Sc. (FORENSIC SCIENCE), May -2011
    4th SemPDF04-07-11
    Result of M.A.(CRIMINOLOGY) / M.SC.(CRIMINOLOGY), May -2011
    4th SemPDF04-07-11
    Revised Result of B.Tech.( CE ), Dec.2010
    5th SemPDF04-07-11
    Revised Result of B.Tech.( BT ), Dec.2010
    5th SemPDF04-07-11
    Revised Result of B.Tech. (CSE), Dec.2010
    5th SemPDF04-07-11
    Revised Result of B.Tech.( IT), Dec.2010
    5th SemPDF04-07-11
    Revised Result of M.Tech.( ITW ), Dec.2010
    5th SemPDF04-07-11
    ΟPending Result of BBA (B&I) E.T. Exam December 2010 PDF01-07-11
    ΟPending Result of BBA (CAM) E.T. Exam December 2010 PDF01-07-11
    ΟRechecking result of BBA B&I for change E.T. Exam December 2010 PDF01-07-11
    ΟRechecking result of BBA CAM for change E.T. Exam December 2010 PDF01-07-11
    ΟRechecking result of BBA G for change E.T. Exam December 2010 PDF01-07-11
    ΟRechecking result of BBA MOM for change E.T. Exam December 2010 PDF01-07-11
    ΟThe Pending Rechecking Result for the programme of BBA CAM & BBA (TTM) End Term Exam December 2010 PDF01-07-11
    ΟRechecking Result for BCA, Dec. 2010 PDF30-06-11
    ΟRechecking result MBBS third prof part-I and second prof supply exam march 2011 PDF30-06-11
    ΟResult of MCA1st SemPDF30-06-11
    ΟResult of MCA1st SemPDF30-06-11
    ΟResult of KUMUD KANT, Enroll No.0541042804 PDF28-06-11
    ΟResult of VIVEK VARSHNEY, Enroll No.0771504908 PDF28-06-11
    ΟRevised Result of B.Tech.(ECE), Dec.20101st SemPDF28-06-11
    ΟRevised Result of B.Tech.(IT), Dec.20101st SemPDF28-06-11
    ΟRevised Result of B.Tech.(Civil Engg), Dec.20101st SemPDF28-06-11
    ΟRevised Result of B.Tech.(MAE), Dec.20101st SemPDF28-06-11
    ΟRevised Result of B.Tech.(EEE), Dec.20101st SemPDF28-06-11
    ΟRevised Result of B.Tech.(CSE), Dec.20103rd SemPDF28-06-11
    ΟRevised Result of B.Tech.(ECE), Dec.20103rd SemPDF28-06-11
    ΟRevised Result of B.Tech.(IT), Dec.20103rd SemPDF28-06-11
    ΟRevised Result of B.Tech.(MAE), Dec.20103rd SemPDF28-06-11
    ΟRevised Result of B.Tech.(EEE), Dec.20103rd SemPDF28-06-11
    ΟRevised Result of B.Tech.(CSE), Dec.20105th SemPDF28-06-11
    ΟRevised Result of B.Tech.(ECE), Dec.20105th SemPDF28-06-11
    ΟRevised Result of B.Tech.(IT), Dec.20105th SemPDF28-06-11
    ΟRevised Result of B.Tech.(MAE), Dec.20105th SemPDF28-06-11
    ΟRevised Result of B.Tech.(EEE), Dec.20105th SemPDF28-06-11
    ΟRevised Result of B.Tech.(CSE), Dec.20107th SemPDF28-06-11
    ΟRevised Result of B.Tech.(ECE), Dec.20107th SemPDF28-06-11
    ΟRevised Result of B.Tech.(MAE), Dec.20107th SemPDF28-06-11
    ΟThe rechecking result for the programme of BBA (G) & BBA (B&I) End Term Exam December 2010No Change CasePDF28-06-11
    ΟPending Result of BBA(G) E.T. Exam Dec. 2010 PDF24-06-11
    ΟResult for PGDPR2nd TrimesterPDF24-06-11
    ΟRechecking Result for the programme of BBA(CAM), BBA(TTM), BBA(MOM), BJMC & MBA End Term Exam December 2010 (No Change) PDF23-06-11
    ΟRest Result of B.Tech.(CSE), Dec.2010 PDF23-06-11
    ΟRest Result of B.Tech.(ECE), Dec.2010 PDF23-06-11
    ΟRest Regular Result of B.Tech.(ECE), Dec.2010 PDF23-06-11
    ΟRest Result of B.Tech.(IT), Dec.2010 PDF23-06-11
    ΟRest Regular Result of B.Tech.(IT), Dec.2010 PDF23-06-11
    ΟRest Result of B.Tech.(MAE), Dec.2010 PDF23-06-11
    ΟRest Regular Result of B.Tech.(MAE), Dec.2010 PDF23-06-11
    ΟRest Regular Result of B.Tech.(EEE), Dec.2010 PDF23-06-11
    ΟMercy Result of B.Tech.(EEE), Dec.2010 PDF23-06-11
    ΟRechecking Result for M.Tech (DWC), Dec. 2010 (No Change Cases) PDF23-06-11


     Title/HeadingFile Format
    (Click Here)
    Uploading / Updation
    ΟPractical Datesheet for PGDP&R – Module IIIPDF28-07-11
    ΟTheory Datesheet for Annual Examinations (August 2011) for BDSPDF25-07-11
    ΟPractical Datesheet for Annual Examinations (August 2011) for BDSPDF25-07-11
    ΟPractical Date Sheet for End Term Examinations (Jul - Aug 2011) for M. Sc. (Biodiversity & conservation) IV SemesterPDF22-07-11
    ΟPRACTICAL Date Sheet for End Term Examinations (July 2011) for B.Tech. (Biotechnology) & M. Tech. (Biotechnology)PDF21-07-11
    ΟTheory Date Sheet for End Term Examinations (Aug 2011) for MBA (Disaster Management) – Fifth TrimesterPDF21-07-11
    Practical Date Sheet for End Term Examinations (Jul-Aug 2011) for M.Tech. (CSE, IT, VLSI Design ) IV Semester (Only for C-DAC Students)

Harcourt Butler Technological Institute Nawabganj, Kanpur /Latest Announcements/July 2011

please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें