please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें

Sunday, 13 November 2011

15 month Management Training /Nov.,2011


1  Can 15 month Management Training be 
undergone with any company? 

No, the aforesaid training  can be undergone with the 
company which is registered with the Institute for 
imparting 15 months Management Training.

2  What is the procedure for undergoing 15 
months Management Training with the 
After passing Intermediate/Executive Programme, students 
are eligible to commence 15  months training.  Procedure 
should be followed for undergoing 15 months Management 
Training with the company as under:  
i) Students should apply to the Institute (Training 
Section) in the prescribed Training Form (ST-10) 
indicating the preference of companies along with a 
TOP/EDP Certificate. 
ii) Institute would forward the  sponsorship letter (biodata letter) to the companies as per their requirement 
with a copy of the same to the concerned student as 
iii) On receipt of the letter from the Institute, the student 
should contact the respective company and seek 
appointment for an interview. 
iv) After selection the company would forward 
appointment letter indicating the date of 
commencement to the Institute for record. 
v) The Institute would forward the final sponsorship 
letter to the company with a copy of the same to the 
concerned student also. 2
3  Where do I get the list of companies & 
PCS registered with the Institute for 
imparting 15 months training? 
List of companies for imparting 15/3 months training and 
list of company secretaries in practice registered for 
imparting training with the Institute is available on the 
website of the Institute. > ‘Training’ link. . 
List can be available by opting any one search option 
4  Can a student take transfer of training 
in between the training period from one 
company to another company or a 
company secretary in practice? 
Yes, a student can take transfer of training in between the 
training period.
5  What is the procedure for transfer of 
management training in between the 
training period to any company or 
company secretary in practice registered 
for imparting training with the 
In case of transfer of Management Training, during the 
training period to some other company or Company 
Secretary in Practice registered for imparting training with 
the Institute, the student has to submit with the Institute a 
certificate of discontinuation of training in the Prescribed 
Format along with the No Objection Certificate  from the 
previous trainer and has to  follow the same procedure for 
undergoing remaining period of  training as applicable in 
case of first trainer with the regard to sponsorship letter 
appointment letter etc. 
6  Can 15 months Apprenticeship training 
be undergone with any Company 
Secretary in Practice? 
No, the aforesaid training  can be undergone with the 
Company Secretary in Practice who is registered with the 
Institute for imparting training.
7  Is there any limit with regard to number 
of trainees which a Company Secretary 
in Practice can impart training?
Yes, there is a limit with regard to number of trainees 
which a Company Secretary  in Practice can impart 
training. Company Secretary with two years of continuous 
practice can impart training  to one trainee and further 
number of trainees equal to the number of years of 
continuous practice is permissible subject to a maximum 
limit of twenty trainees. However, in case a Company 
Secretary in Practice surrendered his Certificate of 
Practice, then he will be given credit to the number of 
trainees permissible at the time of surrender of Certificate 
of Practice. 
8  How much stipend generally Company 
Secretary offer? 
The stipend to be paid by  the Company Secretary in 
Practice has been increased the minimum stipend from Rs. 
500/- to Rs. 2000/- per month. 3
9  What are the working hours for 
candidates undergoing training with 
Company Secretary in Practice? 
The candidates undergoing apprenticeship training shall be 
required to work during normal hours for a period of 15 
months which shall not be less than 6 hours a day for 5 
days in a week for a total period of 15 months. 
10  What is the procedure for undergoing 15 
month Apprenticeship training with 
Company Secretary in Practice? 
A candidate who has passed CS Executive Programme 
may undergo 15 months apprenticeship training with a 
Company Secretary in Practice registered with the Institute 
for imparting training as per the following procedure: - 
i) Candidate should apply for the issuance of 
sponsorship letter (bio-data letter) before 
commencement of training in the prescribed training 
form which is available on the website of the 
Institute at training link.  
ii) After getting the sponsorship letter from the 
Institute, a contract for apprenticeship training in the 
prescribed format (as per the Apprenticeship 
Training Guidelines, 1982 as amended from time to 
time)  has to be executed between the Company 
Secretary in Practice and the student concerned on 
non-judicial stamp paper of requisite value as 
applicable in their respective state, in duplicate. 
Both have to keep one copy of the contract. 
iii) Within 15 days of execution of contract for 
apprenticeship, the Company  Secretary in Practice/ 
student has to submit a copy of contract, the 
particulars as prescribed in Part A & B with regard 
to employer and trainee, copy of TOP/EDP 
completion certificate and Executive Programme 
pass certificate along with a registration fee of Rs. 
50/- (Rupees fifty only)  with the Institute for 
registration of apprenticeship training with the 
iv) Thereafter the Institute after taking the training on 
record will issue 15 months apprenticeship training 
registration letter to the Company Secretary in 
Practice with a copy to the student. 
11  What would be the date of 
commencement of 15 months 
apprenticeship training? 
The 15 months apprenticeship training would be treated as 
valid only from the actual date of execution of contract for 
apprenticeship. 4
12  Can a student take transfer of training 
in between the training period from one 
Company Secretary in Practice to 
another Company Secretary in Practice 
or a Company Registered with the 
Institute for imparting training OR vise 
Yes, a student can take transfer of training in between the 
training period subject to submission of No Objection 
Certificate issued by existing Trainer Company or 
Company Secretary in Practice.
13  How many Transfers can be taken 
during 15 months training? 
It is not prescribed in Training Guidelines; however 
students are advised not to take frequent transfers during 
training period.
14  What is the procedure for transfer of 
apprenticeship training in between the 
15 months training period to any other 
Company Secretary in Practice or 
Company registered for imparting 
training with the Institute? 
In case of transfer of apprentice ship training during the 
training period to some other Company Secretary in 
Practice or Company registered for imparting training with 
the Institute, the student has to submit with the Institute, a 
Certificate of Discontinuance  of training in prescribed 
format along with a No Objection Certificate from the 
previous trainer employer and has to follow the same 
procedure for undergoing remaining period of training as 
applicable in case of first trainer employer with regard to 
sponsorship letter, contract for apprenticeship and 
registration fee.
15  Can any company be registered for 
imparting 15 Months Management and 
03 months Practical Training. 
Companies fulfilling the following criteria can get itself 
registered with the Institute for imparting 15 Months 
Management and 03 months Practical Training 
¾ It should have facilities to impart 15 Months Training/ 
03 Months Practical Training in various departments 
particularly Secretarial (Shares & Legal), Finance & 
Accounts (including Costing, Management 
Accounting, Internal Audit & Taxation), 
Administration (including Personnel, General 
Administration, Industrial & Public Relations, 
Marketing & Material Management etc.). 
¾ That the paid-up capital of the company conforms to 
the requirements as per Company Secretaries 
Regulations-1982 (as amended time to time), the 
company should have paid-up capital of not less than 
Rs. 50 lakhs for imparting 15 Months Training. 
However, for the purpose  of 03 Months Practical 
Training, the requirement of paid-up capital is Rs. 25 
lakhs. In support of this, the company has to send its 
latest Balance Sheet to the Institute. 5
16  How much stipend generally companies 
Most of the companies recognized by the Institute for 
imparting training generally pay the stipend of Rs.3,500 
onwards per month to the trainees. 
17  Is there any limit with regard to number 
of trainees which a company can impart 
No, there is no such limit. Company can take any number 
of trainees as per its requirement with prior approval of the 
18  What is the procedure for registration of 
a Company Secretary in Practice for 
imparting training with the Institute? 
For getting registered with  the Institute for imparting 
training to the students, a Company Secretary in Practice 
has to submit duly filled application form in the prescribed 
with the Institute. The application form is available on the 
website of the Institute at  training link. After approval a 
registration number is allotted to the Company Secretary in 
19  Who are eligible to claim exemption 
from undergoing Training? 
Exemption can only be claimed on the basis working 
experience after passing the Final/Professional Programme 
Examination provided he/she fulfils the requirement of the 
Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982, as amended. 
1 The candidates who have completed the Final/ 
Professional Programme Examination and possess 
three years working experience as an executive or 
four years as an assistant in a company having the 
paid up share capital of Rs.25 lacs or more. To 
assess the eligibility for exemption  from 
undergoing 12 months Management Training and 
partial exemption from undergoing Practical 
Training on case to case basis. 
2 The candidates who have completed the Final / 
Professional Programme Examination and possess 
two years working experience as an executive or 
three years as an assistant with a Company 
Secretary in Practice. To assess the eligibility for 
exemption from undergoing 12 months 
Management Training. 6
From undergoing 12 months Management Training 
and partial exemption from undergoing Practical 
Training on case to case bases. 
3 In order to avail total exemption under Regulation 
48 & 51 a candidate  should posses one year 
experience as Assistant Secretary or any post 
higher thereto in the Secretarial Department in a 
company or body corporate having a paid up share 
capital and reserves of not less than Rs.25 lacs or 
any organization having gross fixed assets of not 
less than Rs.50 lacs including any public Sector 
Undertaking, Autonomous body, Financial 
Institution or Bank, which in the opinion of the 
Council, provides scope for acquiring sufficient 
professional experience.  Please note that 15 days 
Secretarial Modular Training Programme is 
20  What are the documents required to be 
submitted in order to claim exemption 
from undergoing Training?  
Following are the documents required to be submitted in 
order to claim exemption from undergoing training: - 
a. Application Form for Management /Apprenticeship/ 
Practical Training/ Exemption from undergoing 
Training. (ST-10) 
b. Experience Certificate (s) indicating exact 
designation, duration of service, salary drawn, job 
contents in brief duly signed by the appropriate 
authorized signatory of the employer organization. 
c. Annual Report(s) in respect of the organization(s) 
d. Organization Chart indicating the position in the 
organizational hierarchy duly certified by the 
authorized signatory of employer organization. 
e. Salary slip for the beginning and last pay drawn from 
the organization(s) 
f. Appointment letter from past/present employer. 7
21  How is 03 months Practical training 
different from 15 months Management/ 
Apprenticeship Training?
Students who got exemption on the basis of working 
experience from undergoing 12 months or more training 
under various provisions  of the Company Secretaries 
Regulations, 1982 (as amended from time to time) are 
required to undergo balance training of 03 months or less 
period in Administration/Secretarial/Finance & Accounts 
department for one month each is termed as Practical 
Training. While the students  who neither claim nor been 
granted exemption from undergoing training are required 
to undergo 15 months Management/ Apprenticeship 
22  Whether the Practical training can be 
undergone with any 
The Practical training can be undergone only with those 
Company/ Organization which  are registered with the 
Institute for imparting 03 month Practical training to the 
23  What is the procedure for undergoing 03 
months Practical with a Company? 
Student has to follow the procedure as below: 
i) A student  has to submit an application with the 
Institute in prescribed training form specifically 
mentioning the name of the organization for issuance 
of sponsorship letter 
ii) The Institute will issue sponsorship letter to the 
concerned organization for arranging the Practical 
training of the student with a copy to the student.  
Student can commence the training only on the basis 
of sponsorship letter issued by the Institute. 
iii) The organization will intimate the date of 
commencement of the training of the student to the 
Institute for record. 
iv) The organization will issue a training completion 
certificate on completion of the training for record.  
24  Whether the Practical training can be 
undergone with any Company Secretary 
in Practice. 
03 months Practical training can be undergone with a 
Company Secretary in Practice who is registered with the 
Institute for imparting training to the students. 
25  What is the procedure for undergoing 03 
months Practical training with a 
Company Secretary in Practice? 
Procedure for undergoing 03 months Practical Training 
with a Company Secretary in Practice is same as in case of 
15 month Apprenticeship training with a variation with 
regard to the period of training.8
26  Whether 15 days training to be 
undergone with any one specialized 
agency is compulsory?  
Yes, the 15 days training with any one specialized agency 
is compulsory. 
27  What are the agencies where 15 days 
training can be undergone? 
15 working days training can be undergone with ROC/ 
RLLP/ Stock Exchange/ Commodity Stock Exchange/ 
Office of Official Liquidator  /MCA and the agencies as 
registered and approved by the Institute from time to time. 
28  At what stage a student can undergo 15 
days training with the specialized 
A Final /Professional Programme passed student after 
completing training can undergo 15 days training with any 
of the prescribed specialized agency. 
29  What is the procedure for undergoing 15 
days training with any of the specialized 
Student has to follow the procedure as below: - 
i) Submit an application with the Institute for issuance of 
sponsorship letter for undergoing 15 days training 
specifically mentioning the name of the specialized 
agency along with copy of Final/Professional 
Programme pass marks sheets. 
ii) The Institute will issue sponsorship letter to the 
concerned specialized agency for arranging the 15 
days training with a copy to the student. 
iii) After completion of 15 days training the concerned 
specialized agency will issue a 15 days training 
completion certificate. 
30  What are the various training 
programme which a student is required 
to attend & complete. 
(a) For students registered for Executive Programme 
course before 1
 September,2009, following training 
programme are applicable : 
i. 5 days Training Orientation Programme (TOP) 
ii. 25  hours Academic Development Programme (ADP) 
iii. 15 days Secretarial Modular Training  Programme 
(SMTP) 9
(b)  For students registered for Executive Programme 
course on or after 01
 September, 2009, the following 
Training Programmes under the new training structure are 
i. 7 days Student Induction Programme (SIP) 
ii. 8 days Executive Development Programme (EDP) 
iii. 25 hours Professional Development Programme (PDP) 
iv. 15 days Management Skills Orientation Programme 
31  What is SIP?   SIP is the Student Induction Programme of 7 days duration 
which is conducted by all the Regional Councils and 
designated Chapters on regular basis. 
32  What is the eligibility for SIP? Whether 
SIP is compulsory. 
Students who have registered for Executive programme 
course on or after 01
 September, 2009 are required to 
attend SIP. It is compulsory to attend within 06 months of 
registration for Executive programme course. 
33  What is the procedure of registration for 
Student has to submit an application in the prescribed form 
with the concerned Regional Council/ Chapter along with 
the prescribed fee (presently Rs 1000/- Rupees one 
thousand per participant).  
34  Whether there is a provision for 
granting exemption from undergoing 7 
days SIP. What are the criteria for 
granting exemption from undergoing 
Yes, there is a provision for granting exemption from 
undergoing SIP. 
The Council of the Institute has approved the following 
eligibility criteria for  granting of exemption  from 
undergoing Student Induction Programme (SIP) 
(i) Candidates having one  year of working 
experience as assistant or any other post 
equivalent thereto  by whatever name 
called or any other higher grade thereto 
in the field of Finance, Secretarial, 
Human Resource, Marketing, General 
Administration, Teaching, Research etc. 
in any body corporate, government 
body, statutory or autonomous body, 10
public undertaking, financial institution, 
banks, consultancy firms, Law firms  or 
any other  organization/institution which 
in the opinion of the Council provides 
scope for adequate exposure for 
exemption from Students Induction 
Programme  (SIP),  or 
(ii) Candidates possessing professional 
qualification e.g CA, CWA, LL.B, 
BE/B.Tech/B.Arch, MBBS, Post 
Graduate Degree/Diploma in Businesses 
Administration/      Management, MCA  
or any other qualification as approved 
by the Council from time to time.  “ 
Students seeking exemption may apply within six months 
from the date of registration in the Executive Programme.  
The students who were enrolled on or after 1
2009 and yet not undergone the SIP may also apply for the 
The format of application for claiming exemption from SIP 
is available at Training Page on the website 
35  What is TOP/EDP?  TOP is the Training Orientation Programme of 5 days 
duration  and EDP is the  Executive Development  
Programme of 8 days duration which is conducted by all 
the Regional Councils and designated Chapters on regular 
36  What is the eligibility for TOP/EDP? 
Whether TOP/ EDP is compulsory. 
Students who have passed /Executive programme are 
required to attend TOP/EDP. It is compulsory to attend 
before commencement of 15 months training. 
37  What is the procedure of registration for 
Student has to submit an application in the prescribed form 
along with a copy of Executive Programme pass certificate 
with the concerned Regional  Council/Chapter along with 
the prescribed fee (presently Rs 400/-  for  TOP & Rs. 
1000/- for EDP.   
38  Whether a student can commence 15 
month training pending completion of 
TOP/EDP due to non-availability of 
seats for TOP/EDP. 
Yes, a student can commence 15 month training pending 
completion of TOP/EDP due to non-availability of seats 
for TOP/EDP by submitting an undertaking in writing with 
the Institute along with the  documents for training that 11
he/she will complete TOP/EDP in the next available batch 
and will submit a copy of  the TOP/EDP completion 
certificate with the Institute. 
39  Whether a student who is required to 
complete TOP under old training 
structure, can complete EDP under new 
training structure to fulfill the 
requirement of TOP. 
Yes, a student who is required to complete TOP under old 
training structure, can complete EDP under new training 
structure to fulfill the requirement of TOP. EDP is a 
redefined version of TOP. 
40  At which places SIP/TOP/EDP are 
SIP/ TOP /EDP are conducted at following Regional/ 
Chapter Offices of the Institute: - 
In Eastern Region: 
Eastern India Regional Council  
Tel. (033) 22832973/ 22816541/ 22816542/ 22901065/ 
Tel. 0674) 2552282 
Tel. (033) 32420164 
In Northern Region:  
Northern India Regional Council  
Tel. (011) 25816593/ 49343003/ 49343005 
Tel. (0172) 2661840 
Tel.(0129) 9136606601-05 
Tel.(0120)2796668/ 4559681 
Tel. (0124) 2380021 
Tel. (0141) 2707236/ 2707736 
Tel. (0512) 2296535/ 2212767 12
Tel. (0522) 4109382 
Tel. (0161) 2545456 
Tel. (M) 9811231064 
In Southern Region: 
Southern India Regional Council  
Tel. (044) 28279898/ 28222212 
Tel. (080) 22286574/ 22287158 
Tel. (0422) 2452006 
Tel. (040) 23399541/ 23396494 
Tel. (0484) 2392950/ 4050502 
In Western Region: 
Western India Regional Council  
Tel. (022) 22844073/ 22047569/ 22047580/ 22047604 
Tel. (079) 26589343/ 32918705 
Tel. (0731) 4248181/ 2434552 
Tel. (0712) 2453276 
Tel. (022) 27802264 
Tel. (020) 2463228/ 24260341 
Thane     13
Tel. (022) 25444478-79 
Tel. (0265) 2331498 
41  What is ADP/PDP?  ADP is Academic Development Programme and PDP is 
Professional Development Programme which is conducted 
by all the Regional Councils and designated Chapters for 
the benefit of members & students on regular basis. 
42  What is the requirement of ADP/PDP 
for students? 
Students are required to attend 25 hours of Academic 
Development Programme during the period of 15 month 
training. Attendance in three ADP of 8 hours each will 
suffice the requirement of 25 hours ADP.  
A student can also attend Professional Development 
Programme organized by the Regional 
Councils/Chapter/Head Quarter from time to time to get 
the credit of corresponding hours for ADP @ 4 hours for 
half day & 8 hours for full day Professional Development 
43  What is the procedure of registration for 
Student has to submit an application in the prescribed form 
along with a copy of Executive Programme pass marks 
sheets with the concerned Regional Council/ Chapter along 
with the prescribed fee. For ADP fee is Rs. 250/- and for 
PDP students are required to pay fee as may fixed for the 
Further, the Regional Councils/ Chapters have been 
instructed to charge a concessional fee from the students 
attending Professional Development Programme. 
44  Whether the TOP/EDP and ADP/PDP is 
applicable to those students who have 
been granted exemption from 
undergoing training? 
There is no provision for exemption from TOP/EDP & 
ADP/PDP. However, TOP/EDP & ADP/PDP is not 
applicable for the students who have been granted 
exemption from undergoing training.  
45  What is SMTP/MSOP?  15 days Secretarial Modular Training Programme (SMTP) 
/ Management Skills Orientation Programme (MSOP) is 
conducted by CCGRT, Regional Councils and designated 
Chapters on regular basis. 
46  What are the eligibility criteria for the 
Eligibility criteria for the SMTP/MSOP is given below: - 
i) Passed final/ professional examination  
ii) Completed TOP/EDP  
iii) Have completed 15 months of training period or 14
being exempted there from.  
47  What is the procedure of registration for 
Student has to submit an application in the prescribed form 
along with the copies of final/ professional examination 
pass certificate, TOP/EDP  completion certificate and 
training completion certificate or letter granting exemption 
from undergoing training as the case may be with the 
CCGRT/ Regional Council/ Chapter as the case may be 
along with the prescribed fee for registration.  



Saturday, 12 November 2011

Dibrugarh University, Assam/ NEWS AND EVENTS/NOV.,.,2011

DU / School of Open Learning / Campus of Open Learning/ Nov.,2011

The School of Open Learning [a part of the Campus of Open Learning] formerly  known asThe School of Correspondence Courses and Continuing Education, established under theUniversity of Delhi in 1962, is a pioneer Institution in the field of Distance Education in India.
The country witnessed the beginning of an alternate mode of education when the School started with a modest admission of 900 students in 1962. The School enrolled more than two lakhs students in the Academic Session 2006-2007. On many occasions our students have been toppers in various disciplines. The admission process for various courses in the School is governed by the norms established by the University of Delhi. The examination is also conducted by the University of Delhi. The University of Delhi confers the degree to the students of the School as it does in the case of its other constituent colleges. There is no differentiation in the course curriculum followed by the School of Open Learning and other constituent colleges and Departments of the University of Delhi. In an effort to cater to the needs of a growing number of students the School established the South Study Centre at Moti Bagh from the academic session 1990-91. In an effort to reach out to a larger number of students the school is in the process of opening up Study Centre in the Eastern and the Western part of the National Capital Region of Delhi.
The School offers Undergraduate/Postgraduate Degree courses in the subjects of Arts/Humanities and Commerce. The medium of instruction is primarily through well- prepared printed course material which is distributed by mail to all the enrolled students. This is also supplemented through Personal Contact Program conducted for the benefit of students at various study centers run by the School. An experienced faculty is always available at the main campus for academic interaction with students.
The School offers learning through the distance education mode which is a viable alternative for students who need a flexible medium of instruction to attain higher education and vocational skills.
In addition, the School maintains a well-stocked library to facilitate wide exposure to contemporary developments in streams of courses offered. The School also has a South Study Centre at South Moti Bagh, New Delhi.
A well appointed faculty is always available at the main campus for academic interaction with students.
Starting of sales and Receipt of Applications for Admission?
, June 1,
See related Item:
Receipt of Applications for Admission with late fees of Rs. 200/-
31 October
See related Item:
What all certificates are required for taking admission through the sports quota?
One should have the certificates for his/her performance at the zonal, state, national, international level. The candidate must have also a won a position to secure admission under this category.
See related Item:
What are the rules for the extra-curricular quota? Do the same rules apply there also?
Yes, the same rules apply there also. But students should have a relevant certificate for the last four years in the field in which he/she has excelled like dance, drama, music, debates etc. 
Can a student pursue another degree course while pursuing a degree at DU? 
See related Item:
See related Item:
Can we include two languages in the best of four?
No you can take only one language. And as the medium of instructions in DU is mostly English, so if any other language other than English is included 2% are deducted. 
Change of Subject in Last Date?
31st December
See related Item:


Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur / RESULTS OF REGULAR/PRIVATE EXAMS/NOV.,2011

ãInformation Regarding Counseling of M.Phil( Education)
ãResult of B.Ed. Exam. 2005-06 and 2006-07 and B.A. First Year 2011(Under Court Order)
ãBAMS/BUMS Exam Result - May 2011
ãMBBS/BDS Exam Result - Sep. 2011
ãMBBS Exam Result - July . 2011
ãSemester/Campus Exam Result Even Sem :2010-11
ãLast Date for Choice Filling Extended till 18 August 2011
ãUniversity Examination Result 2010-11
ãSemester/Campus Exam Result Odd Sem :2010-11
ãMBBS Exam Result - February 2011
ãBAMS/BUMS Exam Result - 2011
ãBAMS/BUMS Exam Result - December 2010
ãUniversity Examination Result 2009-10 (Regular & Private)
ãResult of Special Exam of Environmental Study for Session 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 held with Regular/Private Back Paper Exam. - 2010
ãResult of Special Exam of Environmental Study for Session 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, held with Regular/Private Exam. - 2010
ãBAMS/BUMS Exam Result - 2010
ãBEd. Examination Result - 2008-09 (Regular)
ãEntrance Exam Result - 2010
ãUniversity Examination Result 2008-09 (Regular & Private)
ãBEd. Examination Result - 2007-08(Regular)
ãBAMS/BUMS Exam Result - 2008
ãBSc(AG) 8th Semester Results 2008-09

Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur Howrah /International Symposium on Engineering under Uncertainty: Safety assessment and Management 2012

International Symposium on Engineering under Uncertainty: Safety assessment and Management
From Wednesday, 04 January 2012
To Friday, 06 January 2012
by  adminHits : 869
ISEUSAM-2012 will begin on Wednesday (Jan. 4, 2012) with a welcome reception, and continue till Friday (Jan. 6, 2012) in the main campus of the University.
Uncertainties due to inherent variability, imperfect knowledge, and errors are important in almost every activity. Thus, the necessity of expertise for tackling complicated and multidisciplinary issues of reliability and risk analysis has now permeated into all engineering applications. Risk management using reliability or other related concepts is now an integral approach not merely as a decision tool but also a communication tool to engage non-engineering stakeholders in the public, government, and industry, and between disciplines.
The aim of the symposium is to facilitate the discussion for a better understanding and management of uncertainty and risk in all aspects of engineering. It will encompass every aspect of safety and reliability of engineering systems, with special focus on advanced technologies, analytical and computational methods of risk analysis, probability based design and regulations. Emerging concepts as well as state of the art and novel applications of reliability principles in all types of structural systems and mechanical components will be included. Systems for Civil, Mechanical, Aerospace, Naval, Mining engineering, and Electrical and Electronics applications will be covered.
International scholars and specialists will get together to provide a broad forum discussing description, evaluation, avoidance, elimination of and adaptation to uncertainty in planning, development, production and usage of engineering systems throughout their lives. Engineers, mathematicians and researchers in any other area of expertise working on uncertainty evaluation are welcome to exchange latest research results and applications of uncertainty control.


Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur Howrah /Question Paper available for Post Graduate Courses Master Of Applied Science (M.Sc.) Physics /2011

Question Paper available for
Post Graduate Courses
Master Of Applied Science (M.Sc.) Physics 2006

Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur. Howrah  711 103
· 1st Semester
· 1st Semester
· 2nd Semester
· 2nd Semester
· 2nd Semester
· 3rd Semester
· 3rd Semester
· 4th Semester
· 4th Semester
· 4th Semester
please share it to all your friend---क्या आप सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश में हैं तो आप के लिए खुशखबरी। अब एक नया एंड्राइड एप्प बन चुका है जो हर पांच मिनट में आपको नई सरकारी नौकरी की जान कारी देगा। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए एप्प को फ्री डाउनलोड करें। क्लिक करें